39.3Work hours per week
45.8Years average age
19.2%Aged 60+
2.0%Graduate growth2015 - 2019
79.6%NSW graduates that are Australian residents/citizens
Workforce modelling indicates the need for some growth in the medical workforce by around 165 to 212 new NSW doctors per annum entering the workforce to meet community need in 2040 across both low and high demand scenarios.
Demand is expected to grow 2.2% (low demand scenario) to 2.3% (high demand scenario.
In 2040 the average fellow will be 47.2 years old (if new entries enter the workforce).
39.2Work hours per week
46.1Years average age
20.2%Aged 60+
39.5Work hours per week
45.1Years average age
17%Aged 60+
1-500 501-2000 2001-3500 3501-5000 5000+
1-150 151-300 301-450 451-600 600+
Data source: The National Health Workforce Dataset – Australian Government Department of Health; The Medical Education and Training in Australia Report (MET).