Leader success profiles define the outstanding characteristics of a leader in a given role in NSW Health. Each element of a leader success profile has an application and relevance across the employee lifecycle and can be used to inform decision making e.g. recruitment, leadership development, performance and recognition and career and mobility.
Current leader success profiles
These leader success profiles outline the:
- vision for NSW Health, to provide context on what future leaders need to enable
- vision for the role, to provide insight into what future people within the role need to enable
- key challenges and opportunities the role will face in leading the health service into the future
- experiences leaders will need to have gained to successfully overcome leadership challenges
- capabilities required to be outstanding in a given role to achieve the goals outlined in NSW Health vision and strategy
- leadership styles and derailers that should be understood to best support leaders in delivering within NSW Health
- ideal motivations of leaders aligned with the NSW Health direction and values
ideal level of cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence to navigate role requirements and environment.
How to use a leader success profile
A leader success profile defines the leadership elements required to be outstanding within a leadership role. It does not replace the position description. As the leader success profile outlines the ideal characteristics of the role, it should be considered aspirational. A person would be expected to meet / develop many of the characteristics identified in the leader success profile, but not all. For a more comprehensive outline on how to use the leader success profile please refer to the Leader success profile - User guide.