In 2019, NSW Health engaged Telford Consulting to undertake horizons scanning and scenario generation workforce planning methodology to identify the roles of allied health in mental health professions, challenges facing this workforce and drivers that are expected to influence the role of these professions in the future. The consultation approach included seeking a broad representative range of views on the challenges and opportunities facing the workforce. This led to the development of key evidence based opportunities to inform future action planning.
The Allied Health in Mental Health (AHMH) Workforce Project Report is a strategic document that outlines the current context and opportunities for support and growth for the NSW Health AHMH workforce. The purpose of this document is to better understand the NSW Health AHMH workforce as it currently exists and identify opportunities to support this workforce to deliver care that best meets the health needs of people with a lived experience of mental illness, their families and carers. This information is intended for use by the local health districts and specialty health networks (LHDs/SHNs) AHMH workforce and leaders, mental health executives and Ministry of Health branches and pillar agencies to inform workforce planning strategies.