Quality and safety

Are you providing safe and quality care?

Emergency Treatment Performance is designed to improve access for emergency patients.  Research shows that prolonged stays in Emergency Departments has poor outcomes for patients. If access and patient flow is improved, overall quality as well as patient safety will also improve.

A four hour length of stay target is not meant to inappropriately rush a patient’s care in order to meet the target.  This would only worsen the patient’s experience and exacerbate patient flow blockages.

Maintaining a focus on quality is an overarching element of the Whole of Health Program.

Tools and resources

The Emergency Care Institute is leading a statewide project to support ED teams to establish a quality team, implement and evaluate the Quality Framework for EDs and undertake a range of quality projects.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has developed the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards to drive the implementation of safety and quality systems and improve the quality of health care in Australia.  The 10 NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services.
The Clinical Excellence Commission is leading this program. There are eight practical tools, most of which require a short implementation time and have the potential to bring quick measurable gains.
Current as at: Wednesday 25 March 2020
Contact page owner: Whole of Health