Have you captured the voice of the patient and carer?
As part of an ongoing process, we need to know what your patients and carers want. Patients and carers should be given the opportunity to contribute to their own care plan.
The Bureau of Health information (BHI)
The BHI is responsible for the NSW Health Patient Survey program. The program provides data from a range of targeted surveys of Adult Admitted patients, Emergency Department patients, Admitted Children and Young patients, Outpatients, Outpatient Cancer Clinics, Small and Rural Hospital patients, Maternity Care, International Surveys, Small Hospital Emergency Care and BreastScreen NSW. These surveys aims to help the public and healthcare workers better understand patients’ views on care in NSW public hospitals and how to further improve care.
The Adult Admitted Patient Survey can be used to highlight the aspects of care that are important to the community, to identify where individual hospitals are doing well and where improvements could be made.
Health Consumers NSW (HCNSW)
HCNSW is the independent peak health consumer organisation in our state, providing the voice of health consumers in shaping policy and service.