Healthy Built Environment Checklist


The Healthy Built Environment Checklist is a practical tool to help deliver the quality local environments needed for well-connected and liveable communities in NSW, through engagement with planning and development processes.

The checklist offers a standardised way to evaluate built environment factors that affect health and suggests ways to improve health outcomes.  It covers 11 characteristics of healthy development including healthy eating, physical activity, housing, transport and connectivity, quality employment, community safety and security, open space and natural features, social infrastructure, social cohesion and connectivity, environment and health, and environmental sustainability and climate change.  Each chapter includes key questions, up-to-date evidence and leading practice.

The checklist supports the capacity of health professionals and others to provide informed, health-focused advice on development policies, plans and proposals to promote healthy planning as a core component of good design and amenity of the built environment for people, places and public spaces.

File Size: 12430 kb
Type: Guideline
Date of Publication: 14 May 2020
ISBN: 9781760813024
SHPN: 190658