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Scope of pharmacists’ role in administering vaccines
Providing vaccinations to travellers
Providing general guidance to travellers
Links for further information
Scope of pharmacists' role in administering vaccines
The role of pharmacist immunisers as providers of travel vaccinations and simple health advice
The following two examples are illustrative of situations in which a pharmacist may find themselves supporting a traveller's pre-travel healthcare needs.
- A GP may have advised or prescribed a vaccine for the traveller. The pharmacist immuniser may be able to administer the vaccination without sending the traveller back to the GP. This provides more options for the consumer and lowers the risk of a vaccine cold chain breach if the vaccines are not held at the GP. In this circumstance the GP should be advised by telephone that the vaccine has been administered and the usual process for uploading to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) followed.
- Travellers may visit a pharmacy to ask advice about travel vaccinations or over the counter medications for travel-related illness (such as diarrhoea, constipation, allergies, colds and flu or seasickness). This presents an opportunity for the pharmacist immuniser to offer travel vaccinations, within the permitted scope, if indicated by the travel destination of the traveller's itinerary. In this context general travel advice relating to food and water precautions, mosquito bite avoidance, avoiding animal bites, making sure medication supplies are adequate and can be safely transported and referral to appropriate websites such as the
Smart Traveller and
NSW Health can be provided. Referral to a GP is required if further travel health vaccination, travel related medication or advice including such issues as altitude sickness, sexual health or chronic illness management is required.
Knowing when to refer to a GP
In any scenario in which a pharmacist immuniser supports a traveller's pre-travel healthcare needs, it is important that an appropriate standard of care is provided to the traveller. Importantly, a pharmacist immuniser needs to recognise the limit of their capability and refer travellers to a GP or travel medicine practitioner where they identify that a more comprehensive travel health consultation is needed.
Providing vaccinations to travellers
In NSW, pharmacist immunisers are authorised under the
NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008 to administer a range of National Immunisation Program (NIP), state and privately funded vaccines including certain travel vaccines to eligible people. Please refer to the
vaccine eligibility table for detailed information.
If an individual requests a vaccination for travel purposes, a framework such as "Three R's" (Required, Routine, Recommended) can be applied to determine the appropriate vaccines for the trip.
- Firstly, determine which, if any, vaccines are
required to cross international borders under International Health Regulations or as specific country requirements. For example, yellow fever or polio, or meningococcal ACWY for Hajj/Umrah pilgrimages. See the
WHO International Travel and Health website for detailed information about requirements for travel.
- Next, ensure the traveller is up to date with
routine Australian immunisations including measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, varicella, polio, and annual influenza.
- Certain childhood vaccines such as measles can be given earlier than normally scheduled with appropriate catch up. This discussion should take place with a GP. See the
Australian Immunisation Handbook for information about this and ensure the traveller is aware of any implications to the childhood immunisation schedule.
- Then determine which vaccinations should be
recommended based on a detailed consideration of the itinerary. If necessary, use accelerated vaccine regimes to provide the best possible protection during the trip.
- Immunise opportunistically and pragmatically. Unless there are significant concerns about side effects developing while away, it is never too late to vaccinate before a trip. Particularly for longer trips, some immunity will develop during travel. Immune priming will also occur that could benefit future travel.
- Ensure appropriate spacing between live vaccine doses, including BCG. (NB if two live vaccines are to be given they
must be given together OR at least four weeks apart).
- Refer patients requiring yellow fever vaccination to an
authorised provider in NSW. The patient can choose to speak to their own GP prior to referral.
- Refer patients requiring BCG vaccination as per the
BCG Vaccination pathway. The patient can choose to speak to their own GP prior to referral.
Further information about travel vaccination including common infections acquired by travellers and advice on how to recommend travel vaccines is available on
Australian Immunisation Handbook.
Immunisation area
Pharmacist immunisers must administer travel vaccines in an immunisation service room, consulting room or immunisation area in accordance with the
NSW Pharmacist Vaccination Standards.
Reporting vaccinations to the AIR
All vaccines, including those for travel, administered by pharmacist immunisers must be reported to the AIR, preferably within 24 hours of administration but must be within 10 business days. Vaccination encounters can be reported to the AIR by using pharmacy management software if available, or the AIR website via Provider Digital Access (PRODA).
Pharmacies must apply for access to the AIR via PRODA and also register for a vaccination provider by completing the
AIR application form (IM004) and
NSW Pharmacist Immuniser Declaration Form.
Notifying Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI)
Report all uncommon, serious, or unexpected AEFI or any event felt to be significant following immunisation to your local public health unit as soon as possible. To report a suspected AEFI, please download the
National Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) Reporting Form and contact your local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055.
View more information about
Providing general guidance to travellers
Pharmacists providing immunisations may find themselves in a position to have an opportunistic discussion with the traveller on simple ways to reduce their risk while travelling.
Vaccination represents only one component in the provision of comprehensive, high quality pre-travel health care to travellers. It is equally important to educate overseas travellers about risks to health that are not vaccine-preventable, such as: the climate at the destination, specific activities undertaken while overseas, and the style of travel. This is done through the travel health focused primary care consultation. Patients should generally be encouraged to see their GP before travelling, particularly if they are elderly or travelling to regions with significant endemic infectious diseases.
In clinical practice, the travel consultation is used as an important opportunity to discuss a traveller's plans and has the following objectives:
- Review the itinerary and determine potential health risks in the areas to be visited and how they interact with the travellers past medical history and existing health status.
- Educate the traveller about anticipated risks and methods for prevention, including safe behaviours.
- Prescribe travel vaccinations.
- Recommend medication for prophylaxis, or for self-treatment of travel-related illness. Where relevant medication requires a prescription, refer to the person's GP.
- Recommend that adequate travel insurance is in place to cover risks to health through travel
A useful framework to apply when assessing an individual's risk from travel to a particular destination is "this person, this trip, this time." A summary of the considerations within this framework is given below.
A patient identified as high risk should be
referred to their GP for a comprehensive consultation.
Considerations for individual's risk area
This person
- Age (esp. the very young or the very old)
- General health and fitness
- Chronic conditions (ensuring they have adequate medications/equipment for trip)
- Medications (including storage and supply, including considerations for S8 drugs)
- Allergies (especially if past history of anaphylaxis)
- Immune status (e.g. past exposures, past immunisation, immunocompromise (including splenectomy/non-functional spleen))
This trip
- Urban/rural/remote (can change disease risk)
- Extremes of climate, altitude
- Length of trip/exposure
- Purpose of travel: holiday, business, visiting friends and relatives, expatriate
- Style of travel: accommodation, transport, dining – affects "quality" of exposure
- Specific or unusual activities: caving, climbing, diving
This time
- Wet/dry season
- Current disease outbreaks
- Political unrest
- Weather events
Assessing the risk of a traveller's planned trip
Travellers whose planned overseas trip has an elevated risk should be referred to a GP or travel health practitioner for further assessment.
Factors that can affect the individuals risk profile
Travel itinerary
- The specific countries and sub-regions on the itinerary, including the order of visiting if more than one country
- Visiting urban or rural environments, depending on the country
- Travelling to a developing or a least developed country
- Is the trip land-based or offshore, such as a cruise?
- Will they experience high-altitude (>2500m above sea level)? (NB many world cities are at higher altitude)
- Will they experience extremes of climate (cold, heat, humidity etc.)?
- Trip duration
- Season at the destination(s)
- How long before they depart Australia
Reason for travel
- Tourism
- Business
- Visiting friends and relatives
- Volunteer, missionary, or aid work
- Expatriate assignment
- Other specific reasons, such as
medical tourism
Style of travel
- Independent travel or package tour
- General hygiene standards in-country and level and accessibility of medical care available at destination
- Modes of transportation during the trip
- Accommodation e.g., tourist or luxury hotel, budget hotel, host family, or tent
Special activities
- Cruise ship travel
- Extreme sports (i.e. bungee or heli-skiing)
- Cycling
- Climbing or mountaineering
- Disaster relief
- Motorcycle/scooter riding
- SCUBA diving
- Rafting
- Caving
Travellers with specific high-risk medical conditions or requiring additional consideration
- Pregnancy
- Young children
- Breastfeeding
- Age >65 years
- Disability
- Immunocompromise or immunosuppression (including splenectomy)
- Surgery or hospitalisation within last 3 months
- Other underlying chronic conditions e.g., mental health, cardiac, epilepsy, respiratory, diabetes etc
- Past history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
It is important for pharmacists to recognise the limit of their capability to provide an appropriate standard of care to individual travellers and refer those with high-risk medical conditions or high-risk itineraries for a more comprehensive travel health consultation by a general practitioner or travel medicine practitioner.
Travellers who must be referred to a general practitioner
In addition to the risk-factors identified in section 4.1, travellers who are likely to experience the following conditions or itineraries, or because of health conditions placing them at higher risk from travel
must be referred to a GP or travel medicine practitioner for higher-level clinical assessment and advice:
Medical condition
- Altitude sickness (including travelling to high altitude cities)
- Malaria
- Medical Tourism
Travel itinerary
- Extremes of climate including heat illness e.g. Kokoda Track, winter hiking
- Other adventure travel including diving, caving, extreme sports, climbing, rafting
- Travellers visiting friends and relatives in developing countries
- High risk conditions (outlined in 4.1)
- Travellers undertaking volunteer, missionary, or aid work including disaster relief
- Animal exposures (e.g. rabies risk)
- Exposure to sexually transmitted infections/pregnancy risk, alcohol, other drugs altering perception
Pharmacists are encouraged to refer any traveller to a GP or travel health practitioner when elements of the intended trip or the traveller's past medical history or existing health status are beyond their capability to provide an appropriate standard of travel health advice.
Advice to prevent and manage specific illnesses while travelling
As part of an opportunistic discussion on simple travel health, travellers can be provided with advice on preventing and managing the following conditions (refer table below).
Diarrhoea | - Discuss strategies to minimise food and waterborne illness
- Discuss medications such as oral rehydration solution, loperamide, ondansetron or prochlorperazine which could be used to self-manage diarrhoeal illness
- Discuss strategies to treat water for drinking, if indicated.
| Consider referral to a GP if antibiotics may be also indicated for self-treatment Refer for assessment for oral typhoid vaccine |
Arthropod-borne diseases including dengue, chikungunya, Zika, yellow fever, Japanese Encephalitis and tickborne encephalitis | - Inform travellers that avoiding mosquito bites is essential
- Educate travellers that risk exists in urban as well as rural areas
- Advise travellers on insect-bite avoidance and prevention strategies including repellents, appropriate clothing, insecticide treatments for clothing and mosquito nets
| Refer to a GP if the itinerary indicates significant risk or requirement for yellow fever or tickborne encephalitis vaccination. If itinerary indicates Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) risk, pharmacists who have not completed the free JEV vaccine training for pharmacists should refer to a GP. *
Refer all pregnant women to a GP if there is a risk of exposure to Zika virus while travelling |
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary embolism (PE) | - Risk is increased for 2 weeks after a long-haul flight
- Risk is increased for flights of four hours or more
- All passengers should:
- Drink plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids during flights
- Mobilise the ankles and massage/stretch the calves at least hourly
- Walk up and down the aisle periodically, choosing an aisle seat will help facilitate this
- Wear loose, non-restrictive clothing
- Carefully assess the risks and benefits of using long-acting sedatives on long haul flights
- Be vigilant and seek medical advice if shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling or calf pain develop after a flight.
| Refer all travellers at higher risk to a GP for assessment and advice |
Environmental hazards | Ensure the patient is properly equipped for the anticipated environmental conditions including: - cold and wet weather clothing
- hat, sunglasses, protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and trousers, and sunscreen
- first aid kit
Parasites | - Avoid walking barefoot as parasites can enter through skin
- Avoid wading or swimming in freshwater where there is risk for schistosomiasis or leptospirosis
Safety and security | - Discuss precautions to minimise risks specific to the trip, such as traffic accidents, excess alcohol consumption, personal assault, robbery, violation of local laws, or drowning
- Educate the traveller about the need to use seatbelts, helmets, and appropriate car seats for children during road travel
- Recommend the traveller subscribes to Smartraveller alerts
Sexual health and blood-borne pathogens | Advise travellers to: - practise extreme caution when having sex abroad with new partners
- use condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy, and blood‑borne infections
- avoid skin penetrating procedures like tattoos, acupuncture, or manicures
- get medical advice if symptoms of sexually transmitted infections develop overseas or on return
| Refer the traveller to a GP if requiring HIV PREP and to a NSW Health clinic for mpox vaccination if eligible |
Rabies and other lyssaviruses | - Avoid all contact with animals, including those in tourist sites and national parks, to reduce the potential for bites and scratches that can transmit rabies.
- Advise traveller that if they are bitten or scratched by an animal, the traveller needs to wash the wound immediately and thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
- Travellers must be educated about first aid and the need to seek medical assessment for any potential exposure to rabies and Australian Bat Lyssavirus regardless of having been vaccinated.
- If the risk from travel may warrant pre-exposure rabies vaccination as recommended in the
Australian Immunisation Handbook, pharmacist immunisers are authorised to administer rabies vaccine via intramuscular injection as pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment only for people aged 5 years and over who are not immunocompromised in accordance with the
NSW Pharmacist Vaccination Standards.
| Refer to a GP if the traveller is aged less than 5 years and/or assessed as an immunocompromised patient, or a more comprehensive travel health consultation on rabies and other lyssaviruses is needed. Refer to GP if rabies post-exposure prophylaxis is required.
Jet lag | - Commonly affects travellers crossing more than 5 time zones, particularly in an easterly direction
- Advise patient to avoid coffee and alcohol, drink plenty of water
- Particularly for business travellers, be well rested in the days before travel
| Refer to a GP if prescription of melatonin or short acting hypnotics might be appropriate |
Motion sickness | - If prone to motion sickness, advise the patient to avoid activities requiring close concentration such as reading
- Don't eat large meals prior to or during the journey
- Medications can be used in children and adults if appropriate.
| Refer to a GP if prescription medication may be indicated |
Over-the-counter medications and first aid items | Patients may want to consider carrying some over the counter medications and first aid items. This will depend on factors including general health, travel itinerary, and access to items at destination. Consider dispensing appropriate items, including: - alcohol-based hand rub
- analgesics/antipyretics
- anti-diarrhoeal medication e.g., Loperamide
- antifungal cream
- antiseptic cream and cleanser
- bite and burns cream
- condoms
- decongestant or saline nasal spray
- dressings and bandages
- ear plugs for use in-flight
- insect repellent
- mild steroid cream
- motion sickness medication
- rehydration salts
- scissors and safety pins
- sunscreen
- sports tape
- thermometer
- water purification tablets
Remind the person that frequently used medicines available in the supermarket or in pharmacies in Australia may not be as readily available overseas. | Prescription medication will require referral to a GP or travel medicine practitioner |
*Note for pharmacists providing JEV vaccine: international travel is not one of the eligibility criteria for free vaccine. Travellers who do not meet the eligibility criteria must purchase the vaccine from the private market.
Links for further information
For pharmacists
For travellers
Referral checklist for pharmacists
Travellers that meet any of the criteria below must be referred to a GP or travel medicine practitioner for a more comprehensive travel health consultation.
Does the itinerary contain any of the following elements?
- Travel to altitude >2500m above sea level
- Exposure to heat illness (e.g. Kokoda Track or similar, ice activities)
- Risk of
- Medical Tourism
- Visiting friends and relatives in a developing country
- Volunteer, missionary, or aid work including disaster relief
- Adventure travel including diving, caving, extreme sports, climbing, rafting
- Risk of yellow fever, tickborne encephalitis or, for pharmacists who have not completed the free JEV vaccine training, Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV). Eligibility criteria for free JEV vaccine does not include international travel
- Risk of exposure to Zika virus
- Increased risk of animal bite, or poor or delayed access to post-exposure rabies prophylaxis
Do any of the following apply to the traveller?
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Disability
- Immunocompromise or immunosuppression (including splenectomy)
- Traveller is aged 65 years or more
- Traveller is an infant or young child
- Surgery or hospitalisation within last 3 months
- Underlying chronic health conditions e.g., mental health, cardiac, epilepsy, respiratory, diabetes
- Past history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
- Prescription medication may be needed for the trip (prevention or emergency treatment of malaria, altitude sickness medication, seasickness medication, medications for jet lag, antibiotics etc.)