Over three years, Trainee Public Health Officers undertake a range of population health work placements within the NSW health system. These placements provide opportunities to develop public health competencies and professional networks while addressing strategic and operational priorities of the NSW health system and working to improve the health of the people of NSW. The training program also provides an emergency surge capacity for the NSW health system and trainees can be mobilised at short notice to support the response to public health emergencies and events.
Competency-based learning
The training program addresses core competencies in the areas of:
- professional practice
- management and leadership
- epidemiology
- policy
- health promotion and prevention
- communicable diseases
- risk assessment and management
- health system financing and economics.
NSW Public Health Training Program Competency Framework (October 2014)
Trainees produce a portfolio of evidence, and participate in formative and summative assessment processes. Successful completion is recognised by the award of a certificate of completion.
Supervised work placements
The majority of learning is undertaken through projects in supervised work placements. Placements are generally six or twelve months in duration and provide a broad range of supervised population health experiences. For example, trainees may gain experience in:
- managing the investigation of acute communicable disease outbreaks
- analysing large data sets
- designing surveys
- developing published reports or peer-reviewed journal papers
- translating the results of studies into policy
- designing and conducting evaluations
- developing and implementing health promotion strategies
- working with people from different sectors.
Placements are generally located within the NSW Ministry of Health, however, placements may also be offered in NSW local health districts and other Health entities such as the Cancer Institute NSW.
Trainees may be offered the opportunity to undertake a six-month rural placement during their training. The rural placement is intended to allow trainees to gain insight, understanding, exposure to and experience of public health issues affecting rural communities.