The APHTI is delivered through partnerships between the NSW Ministry of Health and health services in NSW. Through these partnerships, NSW Health seeks to ensure all APHTI trainees have a culturally safe workplace that actively supports their learning.
NSW health services
APHTI trainees are employed by a NSW health service – either a
local health district or a
specialty health network. The health service provides work placements, supervision and local coordination, and funds the trainee’s salary, study leave, local professional training and networking opportunities, and costs associated with workplace activities.
The NSW Ministry of Health
Within the Ministry's Population and Public Health Division, the
Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence is responsible for developing and coordinating APHTI traineeships across NSW. This includes developing program resources, supporting governance structures such as the Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative Advisory Committee, and monitoring, reporting on and
evaluating the APHTI. The Centre provides funding to health services to support APHTI traineeships and meets the Master of Public Health course fees.
The Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee was formed in 2009 and has overseen all aspects of the development and delivery of the APHTI. Membership includes representatives from health services, the Ministry of Health, program graduates, the
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW, the rural/remote health sector, the academic sector, and other NSW Health training programs for Aboriginal people.