On this page
What are Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT)?
Where to get help
About the Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT) initiative
Information for health professionals
News and media about the SPOT initiative
What are Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT)?
Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT) help people who are in distress, suicidal or at risk of self-harm.
SPOT is a mobile service and can come to you.
A person in need of help can speak to a peer worker with lived experience of suicide or to a mental health clinician.
You can contact SPOT by calling the
Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.
Where to get help
If you are in suicidal crisis, please contact the 24-hour Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 or call 000 for emergencies.
The direct phone number for a service may not always be able to provide immediate assistance.