NSW again recorded a high level of COVID-19 testing in the last 24-hours, with the numbers climbing to 9,747 people.
Four new cases were acquired in NSW, including a staff member at Werrington Public School, an overseas-acquired case and investigations are underway into the two other cases in metro Sydney and Northern NSW.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant said it’s important people get retested if they show symptoms on different occasions.
“This is a very key message to get out into the community, that if this week you have a runny nose, go and get a COVID test. If in two weeks’ time you have a coughing illness, go and get a COVID test,” Dr Chant said.
She said it’s important to track down every chain of transmission.
“… we want to know how you’ve got it, where you acquired it from and block any other chains of transmission linked to that case,” she said.
For more information see the epidemiological report COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance in NSW.