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Research translation
Implementation and scale up
Intervention research
Policy and program evaluation
Research and evaluation methods and theory
Research impact assessment
Systems thinking and modelling
Implementation science
Systematic reviews
Determinants research
Research translation
Campbell D, Stickney B, Milat AJ, Thackway S. Improving health systems through innovation in population health and health services research.
Public Health Res Pract
2018; 28(3).
Improving health systems through innovation in population health and health services research
Stickney B, DM, Milat AJ, Thackway S. The Prevention Research Support Program: supporting innovation in research, translation and capability building.
Public Health Res Pract
2018; 28(3).
The Prevention Research Support Program: supporting innovation in research, translation and capability building
Auld R, Rose S, Loppacher T, Milat AJ, Penna T. Translational Research Grants Scheme (TRGS): a new approach to strengthening health system research capacity.
Public Health Res Pract
2018; 28(3): e2831818.
Translational Research Grants Scheme (TRGS): a new approach to strengthening health system research capacity
Milat AJ, Li B. Narrative review of frameworks for translating research evidence into policy and practice.
Public Health Res Pract
2017; 27(1): 2711704.
Narrative review of frameworks for translating research evidence into policy and practice
Supplementary Table 1
Quinn E, Huckel-Schneider C, Campbell D, Seale H, Milat A. How can knowledge exchange portals assist in knowledge management for evidence-informed decision making in public health? A systematic review of the literature.
BMC Public Health
2014; 14: 443.
How can knowledge exchange portals assist in knowledge management for evidence-informed decision making in public health? A systematic review of the literature
Haynes A, Turner T, Redman S, Milat AJ, Moore G. Developing definitions for a knowledge exchange intervention in health policy and program agencies: reflections on process and value.
Int J Soc Res Meth
2014; 18: 145-59.
Developing definitions for a knowledge exchange intervention in health policy and program agencies: reflections on process and value
Rissel C, Laws A, St George A, Hector D, Milat AJ, Baur L. Research to practice: Application of an evidence building framework to a childhood obesity prevention initiative in New South Wales, Australia.
Health Promot J Austr
2012; 23(1): 16-24.
Research to practice: Application of an evidence building framework to a childhood obesity prevention initiative in New South Wales, Australia
Implementation and scale up
Milat A, Lee K, Conte K, Grunseit A, Wolfenden L, van Nassau F, Orr N, Sreeram P, Bauman A. Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool: A decision support tool for health policy makers and implementers.
Health Res Policy Syst
2020; 18(1): 1.
Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool: A decision support tool for health policy makers and implementers
Lee K, Milat A, Grunseit A, Conte K, Wolfenden L, Bauman A. The Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool: a pilot study assessing five interventions for scalability.
Public Health Res Pract
2020; 30(2): 3022011.
The Intervention Scalability Assessment Tool: a pilot study assessing five interventions for scalability
Gogovor A, Zomahoun HTV, Ben Charif A, McLean RKD, Moher D, Milat A, Wolfenden L, Prévost K, Aubin E, Rochon P, Ekanmian G, Sawadogo J, Rheault N, Légaré F. Essential items for reporting of scaling studies of health interventions (SUCCEED): protocol for a systematic review and Delphi process.
Syst Rev
2020; 9(1): 11.
Essential items for reporting of scaling studies of health interventions (SUCCEED): protocol for a systematic review and Delphi process
Lee K, van Nassau F, Grunseit A, Conte K, Milat A, Wolfenden L, Bauman A. Scaling up population health interventions from decision to sustainability - a window of opportunity? A qualitative view from policy-makers.
Health Res Policy Syst
2020; 18(1): 118.
Scaling up population health interventions from decision to sustainability - a window of opportunity? A qualitative view from policy-makers
Milat AJ, King L, Newson R, Wolfenden L, Rissel C, Bauman AE, Redman S. Increasing the scale and adoption of population health interventions: experiences and perspectives of policy makers, practitioners and researchers.
Health Res Policy Syst
2014; 12: 18.
Increasing the scale and adoption of population health interventions: experiences and perspectives of policy makers, practitioners and researchers
Milat AJ, King L, Bauman A, Redman S. The concept of scalability: increasing the scale and potential adoption of health promotion interventions into policy and practice.
Health Promot Int
2013; 28(3): 285-98.
The concept of scalability: increasing the scale and potential adoption of health promotion interventions into policy and practice
O'Hara B, Phongsavan P, King L, Develin E, Milat AJ, Eggins D, King E, Smith J, Bauman AE. Translational formative evaluation: critical in up-scaling public health programs.
Health Promotion Int
2013; 29(1): 38-46.
Translational formative evaluation: critical in up-scaling public health programs
Intervention research
Hassett L, Tiedemann A, Hinman RS, Crotty M, Hoffmann T, Harvey L, Taylor NF, Greaves C, Treacy D, Jennings M, Milat A, Bennell KL, Howard K, van den Berg M, Pinheiro M, Wong S, Kirkham C, Ramsay E, O'Rourke S, Sherrington C. Physical activity coaching for adults with mobility limitations: protocol for the ComeBACK pragmatic hybrid effectiveness-implementation type 1 randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open
2020; 10(11): e034696.
Physical activity coaching for adults with mobility limitations: protocol for the ComeBACK pragmatic hybrid effectiveness-implementation type 1 randomised controlled trial
Valerio H, Alavi M, Silk D, Treloar C, Martinello M, Milat A, Dunlop A, Holden J, Henderson C, Amin J, Read P, Marks P, Degenhardt L, Hayllar J, Reid D, Gorton C, Lam T, Dore GJ, Grebely J. Progress towards elimination of hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study.
Clin Infect Dis
2020; May 18: ciaa571.
Progress towards elimination of hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study
Gadsden T, Wilson G, Totterdell J, Willis J, Gupta A, Chong A, Clarke A, Winters M, Donahue K, Posenelli S, Maher L, Stewart J, Gardiner H, Passmore E, Cashmore A, Milat A. Can a continuous quality improvement program create culturally safe emergency departments for Aboriginal people in Australia? A multiple baseline study.
BMC Health Serv Res
2019; 19(1): 222.
Can a continuous quality improvement program create culturally safe emergency departments for Aboriginal people in Australia? A multiple baseline study
Ajwani S, Sousa MS, Villarosa AC, Bhole S, Johnson M, Dahlen HG, Hoolsema J, Blinkhorn A, Srinivas R, Yaacoub A, Milat A, Skinner J, George A. Process evaluation of the midwifery initiated oral health-dental service program: Perceptions of dental professionals.
Health Promot J Austr
2019; 30(3): 333-43.
Process evaluation of the midwifery initiated oral health-dental service program: Perceptions of dental professionals
Tainga C, Gibson A, Colagiuri S, Vita P, Cardona-Morrelle M, Bauman A, Moore M, William M, Milat A, Hony J, Lin S, Gwizd M, Fiatarone Singh MA. Primary analysis of the Mandarin-speaking sub-study within the Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract
2017; 132: 118-26.
Primary analysis of the Mandarin-speaking sub-study within the Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program
Bell AC, Wolfenden L, Sutherland R, Coggan L, Young K, Fitzgerald M, Hodder R, Orr N, Milat AJ, Wiggers J. Harnessing the power of advertising to prevent childhood obesity.
J Behav Nutr Phys Act
2013; 10: 114.
Harnessing the power of advertising to prevent childhood obesity
Harris MF, Chan BC, Laws RA, Williams AM, Powell Davies G, Jayasinghe UW, Fanaian M, Orr N, Milat AJ. The impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP trial).
BMC Public Health
2013; 13(1): 375.
The impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP trial)
Nathan N, Wolfenden L, Bell AC, Wyse R, Morgan PJ, Butler M, Sutherland R, Milat AJ, Hector D, Wiggers J. Effectiveness of a multi-strategy intervention in increasing the implementation of vegetable and fruit breaks by Australian primary schools: a non-randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2012; 12: 651.
Effectiveness of a multi-strategy intervention in increasing the implementation of vegetable and fruit breaks by Australian primary schools: a non-randomised controlled trial
Wolfenden L, Neve M, Farrell L, Lecathelinais C, Bell C, Milat AJ, Wiggers J, Sutherland R. Physical activity policies and practices of childcare centers in Australia.
J Paediatr Child Health
2011; 47(3): 73-6.
Physical activity policies and practices of childcare centers in Australia
Policy and program evaluation
Wolfenden L, Milat A, Rissel C, Mitchell J, Hughes CI, Wiggers J. From demonstration project to changes in health systems for child obesity prevention: the legacy of 'Good for Kids, Good for Life'.
Aust N Z J Public Health
2020; 44(1): 3-4.
From demonstration project to changes in health systems for child obesity prevention: the legacy of 'Good for Kids, Good for Life'
Bohn-Goldbaum E, Cashmore A, Fonua R, Milat A, Reid K, Shepherd L, Bauman A, Grunseit AC. Weight change among repeat participants of an Aboriginal community-based weight loss program.
BMC Public Health
2020; 20(1): 1003.
Weight change among repeat participants of an Aboriginal community-based weight loss program
Grunseit AC, Bohn-Goldbaum E, Crane M, Milat A, Cashmore A, Fonua R, Gow A, Havrlant R, Reid K, Hennessey K, Firth W, Bauman A. Participant profile and impacts of an Aboriginal healthy lifestyle and weight loss challenge over four years 2012-2015.
Aust N Z J Public Health
2019; 43(4): 328-33.
Participant profile and impacts of an Aboriginal healthy lifestyle and weight loss challenge over four years 2012-2015
Jayakody A, Passmore E, Oldmeadow C, Bryant J, Carey M, Simons E, Cashmore A, Maher L, Hennessey K, Bunfield J, Terare M, Milat A, Sanson-Fisher R. The impact of telephone follow up on adverse events for Aboriginal people with chronic disease in New South Wales, Australia: a retrospective cohort study.
Int J Equity Health
2018; 17(1): 60.
The impact of telephone follow up on adverse events for Aboriginal people with chronic disease in New South Wales, Australia: a retrospective cohort study
Wutzke S, Morrice E, Benton M, Milat A, Russell L, Wilson A. Australia’s National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health: Critical reflections from States and Territories.
Health Promot J Austr
2018; 29(3): 228-35.
Australia’s National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health: Critical reflections from States and Territories
Passmore E, Donato-Hunt C, Maher L, Havrlant R, Hennessey K, Milat A, Farrell L. Evaluation of a pilot school-based physical activity challenge for primary students.
Health Promot J Austr
2017; 28(2): 103-9.
Evaluation of a pilot school-based physical activity challenge for primary students
Li B, Cashmore A, Arneman D, Bryan-Clothier W, McCallum LK, Milat A. The Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative: a NSW Health program established to strengthen the Aboriginal public health workforce.
Public Health Res Pract
2017; 27(4). pii: 2741739.
The Aboriginal Population Health Training Initiative: a NSW Health program established to strengthen the Aboriginal public health workforce
Research and evaluation methods and theory
McKay H, Naylor PJ, Lau E, Gray SM, Wolfenden L, Milat A, Bauman A, Race D, Nettlefold L, Sims-Gould J. Implementation and scale-up of physical activity and behavioural nutrition interventions: an evaluation roadmap.
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act
2019; 16(1): 102.
Implementation and scale-up of physical activity and behavioural nutrition interventions: an evaluation roadmap
Edwards B, Stickney B, Milat A, Campbell D, Thackway S. Building research and evaluation capacity in population health: the NSW Health approach.
Health Promot J Austr
2016; 27(3): 264-7.
Building research and evaluation capacity in population health: the NSW Health approach
Norton S, Milat A, Edwards B, Giffin M. Narrative review of strategies by organizations for building evaluation capacity.
Eval Program Plann
2016; 58: 1-19.
Narrative review of strategies by organizations for building evaluation capacity
Freund M, Zucca A, Sanson-Fisher R, Milat A, Mackenzie L, Turon H. Barriers to the evaluation of evidence-based public health policy.
J Public Health Policy
2019; 40(1): 114-25.
Barriers to the evaluation of evidence-based public health policy
Biggs J, Farrell L, Lawrence G, Johnson JK. A practical example of Contribution Analysis to a Public Health intervention.
2014; 20(2): 141-229.
A practical example of Contribution Analysis to a Public Health intervention
Beets MW, Weaver RG, Ioannidis JPA, Geraci M, Brazendale K, Decker L, Okely AD, Lubans D, van Sluijs E, Jago R, Turner-McGrievy G, Thrasher J, Li X, Milat AJ. Identification and evaluation of risk of generalizability biases in pilot versus efficacy/effectiveness trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act
2020; 17(1): 19.
Identification and evaluation of risk of generalizability biases in pilot versus efficacy/effectiveness trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis
O’Hara B, Bauman AE, King L, Eakin EG, Haas M, Allman-Farinelli M, Owen N, Cardona-Morell M, Farrell L, Milat AJ, Phongsavan P. Evaluation framework for translational research: Case study of Australia’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service®.
Health Promot Pract
2013; 14(3): 380-9.
Evaluation framework for translational research: Case study of Australia’s Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service®
Research impact assessment
Newson R, Rychetnik L, King L, Milat A, Bauman A. Does citation matter? Research citation in policy documents as an indicator of research impact - an Australian obesity policy case-study.
Health Res Policy Syst
2018; 16(1): 55.
Does citation matter? Research citation in policy documents as an indicator of research impact - an Australian obesity policy case-study
Newson R, King L, Rychetnik L, Milat A, Bauman A. Looking both ways: a review of methods for assessing research impacts on policy and the policy utilisation of research.
Health Res Policy Syst
2018; 16(1): 54.
Looking both ways: a review of methods for assessing research impacts on policy and the policy utilisation of research
Milat AJ, Laws R, King L, Newson R, Rychetnik L, Rissel C, Bauman AE, Redman S, Bennie J. Policy and practice impacts of applied research: A case study analysis of the New South Wales Health Promotion Demonstration Research Grants Scheme 2000-2006.
Health Res Policy Syst
2013; 11: 5.
Policy and practice impacts of applied research: A case study analysis of the New South Wales Health Promotion Demonstration Research Grants Scheme 2000-2006
Laws R, King L, Hardy LL, Milat AJ, Rissel C, Newson R, Rychetnik L, Bauman AE. Utilisation of a population health survey in policy and practice: A case study.
Health Res Policy Syst
2013; 11: 4.
Utilisation of a population health survey in policy and practice: A case study
Haynes A, Garvey K, Davidson S, Milat A. What Can Policy-Makers Get Out of Systems Thinking? Policy Partners' Experiences of a Systems-Focused Research Collaboration in Preventive Health.
Int J Health Policy Manag
2020; 9(2): 65-76.
What Can Policy-Makers Get Out of Systems Thinking? Policy Partners' Experiences of a Systems-Focused Research Collaboration in Preventive Health
Atkinson J, Heffernan M, McDonnell G, Hickie I. A decision-support tool to inform Australian strategies for preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour.
Public Health Res Pract
2017; 27(2): e2721717.
A decision-support tool to inform Australian strategies for preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour
Conte KP, Shahid A, Grøn S, Loblay V, Green A, Innes-Hughes C, Milat A, Persson L, Williams M, Thackway S, Mitchell J, Hawe P. Capturing implementation knowledge: applying focused ethnography to study how implementers generate and manage knowledge in the scale-up of obesity prevention programs.
Implement Sci
2019; 14(1): 91.
Capturing implementation knowledge: applying focused ethnography to study how implementers generate and manage knowledge in the scale-up of obesity prevention programs
Wolfenden L, Reilly K, Kingsland M, Grady A, Williams CM, Nathan N, Sutherland R, Wiggers J, Jones J, Hodder R, Finch M, McFadyen T, Bauman A, Rissel C, Milat A, Swindle T, Yoong SL. Identifying opportunities to develop the science of implementation for community-based non-communicable disease prevention: A review of implementation trials.
Prev Med
2019; 118: 279-85.
Identifying opportunities to develop the science of implementation for community-based non-communicable disease prevention: A review of implementation trials
Green AM, Innes-Hughes C, Rissel C, Mitchell J, Milat AJ, Williams M, Persson L, Thackway S, Lewis N, Wiggers J. Co-design of the Population Health Information Management System to measure reach and practice change of childhood obesity programs.
Public Health Res Pract
2018; 28(3): e2831822.
Co-design of the Population Health Information Management System to measure reach and practice change of childhood obesity programs
Grøn S, Loblay V, Conte KP, Green A, Innes-Hughes C, Milat A, Mitchell J, Persson L, Thackway S, Williams M, Hawe P. Key Performance Indicators for program scale-up and divergent practice styles: a study from NSW, Australia.
Health Promot Int
2020; Feb 27: daaa001.
Key Performance Indicators for program scale-up and divergent practice styles: a study from NSW, Australia
Loblay V, Conte KP, Grøn S, Green A, Innes-Hughes C, Milat A, Persson L, Williams M, Mitchell J, Hawe P. The Weight of Words: Co-Analysis of Thick Ethnographic Description and "Friction" as Methodological Strategies in a Health Policy Research Partnership.
Qual Health Res
2020; Oct 9: 1049732320962438.
The Weight of Words: Co-Analysis of Thick Ethnographic Description and "Friction" as Methodological Strategies in a Health Policy Research Partnership
Yoong SL, Bolsewicz K, Grady A, Wyse R, Sutherland R, Hodder RK, Kingsland M, Nathan N, McCrabb S, Bauman A, Wiggers J, Moullin J, Albers B, Fernandez ME, Hall A, Sims-Gould J, Taylor N, Rissel C, Milat A, Bailey A, Batchelor S, Attia J, Wolfenden L. Adaptation of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and opportunities to advance their application and benefit.
Health Educ Res
2020; 35(4): 243-57.
Adaptation of public health initiatives: expert views on current guidance and opportunities to advance their application and benefit
Conte K, Marks L, Loblay V, Grøn S, Green A, Innes-Hughes C, Milat A, Persson L, Williams M, Thackway S, Mitchell J, Hawe P. Can an electronic monitoring system capture implementation of health promotion programs? A focussed ethnographic exploration of the story behind program monitoring data.
BMC Public Health
2020; 20(1): 917.
Can an electronic monitoring system capture implementation of health promotion programs? A focussed ethnographic exploration of the story behind program monitoring data
Wolfenden L, Bolsewicz K, Grady A, McCrabb S, Kingsland M, Wiggers J, Bauman A, Wyse R, Nathan N, Sutherland R, Hodder RK, Fernandez M, Lewis C, Taylor N, McKay H, Grimshaw J, Hall A, Moullin J, Albers B, Batchelor S, Attia J, Milat A, Bailey A, Rissel C, Reeves P, Sims-Gould J, Mildon R, Doran C, Yoong SL. Optimisation: defining and exploring a concept to enhance the impact of public health initiatives.
Health Res Policy Syst
2019; 17(1): 108.
Optimisation: defining and exploring a concept to enhance the impact of public health initiatives
Wolfenden L, Goldman S, Stacey FG, Grady A, Kingsland M, Williams CM, Wiggers J, Milat A, Rissel C, Bauman A, Farrell MM, Legare F, Ben Charif A, Zomahoun HTV, Hodder RK, Jones J, Booth D, Parmenter B, Regan T, Yoong SL. Strategies to improve the implementation of workplace-based policies or practices targeting tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical activity and obesity.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2018; 11: CD012439.
Strategies to improve the implementation of workplace-based policies or practices targeting tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical activity and obesity
McInerney C, Ibiebele I, Ford JB, Randall D, Morris JM, Meharg D, Mitchell J, Milat A, Torvaldsen S. Benefits of not smoking during pregnancy for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their babies: a retrospective cohort study using linked data.
BMJ Open
2019; 9(11): e032763.
Benefits of not smoking during pregnancy for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their babies: a retrospective cohort study using linked data
Content 2
Current as at: Monday 20 June 2022
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