Transcript of Strengthening local health committees in regional NSW
- 9 local health districts
- 110 committees
- 1038 surveys
- Countless conversations
- Hundreds of great ideas
- Your experiences
- your perspectives
- your stories
- What
you told us
- "You may not change the world, but things you can influence via your local health committee matter."- Local health committee member
- "It’s knowing you're
serving the community by helping
enhance services vital to the very existence of small rural communities."- Local health committee member
- “I see myself as a friend of the hospital.” - Local health committee member
- "The most important thing for community engagement is
listening, not telling".- Health Consumers NSW, 2015
- Together we've developed
Five Guiding Principles to strengthen local health committees.
Guiding principles
For engaged local health committees
Commitment to community - For stronger committees and a relationship with the community built on trust
Collaborative partnerships- Supporting team work, respectful relationships and progress towards shared goals
Committee-led action - Co-designing solutions for a sustainable future
Committee members are advocates for healthy communities- Respecting and welcoming the diversity of regional communities
A culture of learning and improvement- Building on strengths to support committees of the future
Working together we'll...
Bring the five guiding principles to life
take some time to read the report on strengthening local health committees and reflect on what it means
for your community.
Thank you Local health committees local health districts subject matter experts and our wonderful regional communities.