Sexual health advice
STIs are on the rise in NSW, including antimicrobial resistant gonorrhoea and syphilis. Know about condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), undetectable = untransmissible (U=U), testing, and what to do if you think you might have an STI. Learn more about what PrEP, PEP and U=U is below.
How can I access sexual health care?
If you need medical care or advice around sexual health, there are options available for you. You can:
- visit a NSW sexual health clinic for sexual health prevention, including PrEP, access to condoms, testing and treatment. NSW publicly funded sexual health clinics are free of charge. For opening hours or to book an appointment visit the
clinic finder.
- call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 for sexual health information and advice, or to find a
sexual health clinic near you.
For emergencies, call 000 or visit an
emergency department.
To learn more about all of the care options available to you in NSW, visit
where to get medical help in NSW.
What do I need to know about STI and HIV prevention?
Condoms can help you stay safe and prevent HIV transmission. They can also protect you against a range of other STIs, including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis. To find out where you can get your free condoms and safe sex packs, visit
Ending HIV, a
sexual health clinic or call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) involves HIV negative people taking medication to prevent HIV infection. There are many ways to take PrEP: daily, on-demand (2-1-1), and periodic dosing. For more information, visit
Ending HIV, call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 or visit a
sexual health clinic.
U=U stands for Undetectable = Untransmissible. It means that when a person living with HIV is on regular antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment that lowers the amount of virus in their body to undetectable levels, there is no risk of passing on HIV to their partners. This is commonly referred to as having an undetectable viral load.
For more information about STI and HIV prevention, head to
Ending HIV, or call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.
What do I need to know about sexual health testing, treatment and management?
Getting tested is good for your health and can protect our community from new STI and HIV transmission.
STIs don’t always have symptoms, however, if you notice any symptoms after Mardi Gras (burning, discharge, itchiness) or have been told you’ve been exposed, call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 or visit a
sexual health clinic.
STI and HIV testing in NSW is quick, easy and confidential. If you visit a
sexual health clinic in NSW, testing is also free. It’s It’s also important to exchange information with your sexual partners to assist with contact tracing if needed.
If you had condomless sex with a casual partner during Sydney Mardi Gras or afterwards, and you’re not on PrEP, you should start post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as soon as possible. You can get PEP from the Emergency Department of most public hospitals and
sexual health clinics. When PEP is taken within 72 hours (the sooner the better), it reduced the risk of STI transmission. PEP must be taken for an entire month following exposure to be most effective. For more information, call 1800 PEP NOW (1800 737 669).
For more information about STI and HIV testing, treatment and management, head to
Ending HIV, or call the
Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.
Where can mob go for sexual health advice?
Information about healthy sex, STI testing, and condoms can be found on the
Take Blaktion website. Take Blaktion promotes sexual health for young Aboriginal people across NSW. Stay ready so you can stay deadly.
Mob can
get tested at any doctor, sexual health clinic or Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS). It's quick, easy and confidential. Testing is free at your local AMS, sexual health clinics and bulk billing GPs. Make sure you get a sexual health test after Sydney Mardi Gras, especially if you are experiencing symptoms.
More information