Combined Delegations Manual

​The Combined Delegations Manual contains administrative, financial and staff delegations of powers and functions that have been delegated by the Minister for Health, the Secretary and the Health Administration Corporation for the Ministry of Health.

The manual is currently undergoing review, with the first chapter completed being the finance and expenditure delegations. The update to the chapter has been significant in that it has been renumbered, legislative and policy references have been updated and some delegations have been merged and/or deleted.

For the revised finance and expenditure delegations please refer to the separate PDF document titled 'Finance and Expenditure Delegations (NEW)'.​

Combined Delegations Manual Index

Latest amendments​

Where a number appears at the bottom of an amended page [e.g. 13(29/03/12) - amendment number, date instrument was signed], an alteration has been made or a new delegation included.

Amendment 104(07/03/25)

Amendment to the Schedule of Delegates to include the Program Manager, Official Visitors Program as a Level 4 delegate.

Amendment 103(25/11/24)

Minister delegations – Amendment to the finance and expenditure delegations to further clarify requirements. Revoking former delegations which remained in force during the transition period of the new finance and expenditure delegations.

Amendment 102(19/11/24)

Secretary delegations - Amendment to finance and expenditure delegations to further clarify requirements. Revoking former delegations which remained in force during transition period of the new finance and expenditure delegations. ​

Current as at: Tuesday 11 March 2025