Author index - F

Fahey, Kylie

Title Year Volume
Making a noise about suicide: a community development approach 1999 10

Fairhall, Nicola

Title Year Volume
Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations 2011 22

Fairley, Christopher K

Title Year Volume
Improving the health of sex workers in NSW: maintaining success 2010 21

Falconer, Ian

Title Year Volume
Blue-green algae hit Lake Cargelligo 1991 2

Falconer, Ryan

Title Year Volume
The co-benefits for health of investing in active transportation 2010 21

Falster, Michael O

Title Year Volume
Development of a maternity hospital classification for use in perinatal research 2012 23

Farnbach, Erin

Title Year Volume
Does lead paint from the Sydney Harbour Bridge cause significant pollution to areas nearby? 1993 4

Feery, Brian

Title Year Volume
One hundred years of vaccination 1997 8

Ferguson, Claire

Title Year Volume
A strategic framework for skin cancer prevention in NSW 2001 12

Ferson, Mark J

Title Year Volume
EpiReview - Meningococcal disease in NSW, 1991-2011: trends in relation to meningococcal C
2013 24
EpiReview - Notifications of Q fever in NSW, 2001-2010 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Meningococcal disease 2012 23
Compliance with sharps waste standards by a sample of Sydney acupuncture premises 2011 22
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20
Pertussis outbreaks in aged-care facilities [letter] 2009 20
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
Preparing for the inevitable—an influenza pandemic 2006 17
Investing in capacity to meet the challenge of an influenza pandemic 2006 17
Outbreak of enterviral meningitis, south-eastern Sydney, February 2005 [Communicable Diseases Report,
NSW, March and April 2005]
2005 16
Hepatitis A outbreak associated with a Mothers’ Day ‘yum cha’ meal, Sydney, 1997 2004 15
Introducing a NSW vessel inspection program for cruise ships 2000 11
Health surveillance on cruise ships during the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11
Childhood injury surveillance: the value of emergency department data 1999 10
Value of a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assay for Norwalk-like viruses in the
investigation of institutional gastroenteritis outbreaks
1999 10
Influenza outbreak in a metropolitan boarding school [Infectious diseases, NSW: May 1999] 1999 10
Childhood immunisation - so near and yet so far 1996 7
Issues in administration of the immunisation provisions of the Public Health Act 1991 1996 7
Census of school entry immunisation certificates, eastern Sydney, 1994 1995 6
Improving the quality of HIV data 1994 5
Broadening the scope of the eastern Sydney area sentinel surveillance network 1994 5
Improperly stored spit roast: the cause of a foodborne outbreak [Infectious diseases] 1994 5
Typhoid fever acquired at home [Infectious diseases] 1994 5
Hepatitis E in Australia [Infectious diseases] 1994 5
Gastroenteritis related to food and/or beach bathing 1993 4
Cholera acquired by an Australian traveller [Infectious diseases] 1993 4
Hepatitis A in a pre-school in eastern Sydney [Infectious diseases] 1993 4
Cryptosporidium: a summer-autumn epidemic? 1992 3
Rotavirus surveillance program [Infectious diseases] 1992 3

Fett, Michael J

Title Year Volume
Infection control and hygiene practices in skin penetration businesses 1998 9
Impact of Sydney's deepwater ocean outfalls on Garie Beach 1994 5
Survey of contaminated waste disposal practices 1993 4
Compilation of a general practitioner database 1993 4
Public health response to a suspected case of Lassa fever 1993 4
Display of tobacco sales warning signs 1993 4

Figtree, Melanie

Title Year Volume Imported malaria notified in NSW and the ACT, including trends in notifications of Plasmodium
, 1989 to 2003
2005 16

Finch, Caroline

Title Year Volume
A demographic profile of deaths due to interpersonal violence in NSW  2006 17

Finnigan, Gerard

Title Year Volume
Hepatitis A in a bakery worker [Infectious diseases, NSW: May 1999] 1999 10
An extended outbreak of hepatitis A 1997 8

Finocchiaro, Cathy

Title Year Volume
Victorian Public Health Trainee Scheme 1993 4

Fisher, Glenda

Title Year Volume
Vaccine storage in south west New South Wales 1996 7

Fisher, Kate E

Title Year Volume
Costs of a contact screening activity in a neonatal intensive care unit 2013 24

Fitzsimmons, Gerard

Title Year Volume
Firearm injury and death in NSW 1999 10
Evaluation of the 1996 Chief Health Officer's Report 1997 8
The Health of the People of NSW: Report of the Chief Health Officer 1997 1997 8

Fizzell, Jan

Title Year Volume
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza vaccine roll-out in NSW 2010 21
Lessons from the NSW laboratory response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza 2010 21
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Mass gatherings and public health: preparing for World Youth Day 2008 2009 20
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin – Pandemic influenza preparedness 2006 17

Flego, Kristina L

Title Year Volume
Invasive pneumococcal disease in western Sydney, 2002-2010 2011 22

Fletcher, Richard

Title Year Volume
The wellbeing of boys 2001 12
Men’s perceived health needs 2001 12

Flood, Vicki

Title Year Volume
A comparison of two nutrition signposting systems for use in Australia 2008 19
Plans for monitoring food and nutrition in NSW 1997 8
Monitoring overweight and obesity in NSW: a guide 1997 8

Flynn, Michael

Title Year Volume
Health surveillance among a team of Australian health workers assisting tsunami victims in
Aceh, Indonesia
2007 18
Counter disaster planning for the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2000 11

Foong, Kee

Title Year Volume
NSW Drug Summit update 2000 11

Ford, Jane B

Title Year Volume
Reporting postpartum haemorrhage with transfusion: a comparison of NSW birth and hospital data 2014 24
Are pregnancy outcomes associated with risk factor reporting in routinely collected perinatal data? 2013 24
Development of a maternity hospital classification for use in perinatal research 2012 23

Forrest, Jim

Title Year Volume
Jarman 8: an index of social disadvantage 1992 3

Forrester, Patsy

Title Year Volume
Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health
Service, NSW
2008 19

Forssman, Bradley L

Title Year Volume
The effectiveness of prophylaxis for measles contacts in NSW 2009 20
Investigation of an outbreak of acute illness in a school group visiting Sydney, September 2006 2008 19
Enhanced surveillance of hepatitis B infection in inner-western Sydney  2007 18
A tuberculosis contact investigation involving two private nursing homes in inner western Sydney in 2004 2006 17
Gastroenteritis outbreak at a residential college linked to a self-serve food bar [Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, May and June 2005] 2005 16

Foster, Sarah

Title Year Volume
The co-benefits for health of investing in active transportation 2010 21

Fox, David

Title Year Volume
Relationship of the Health Department to the Environment Protection Authority 1993 4
Keeping tabs on toxic substances 1991 2

Fox, Tricia

Title Year Volume
Moving forward with health surveys: a report of the 2001 CATI Forum 2002 13

Fragar, Lyn J

Title Year Volume
The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: building collaborative population health research in
rural and remote NSW
2011 22
Australian approaches to the prevention of farm injury 2002 13
The health of the people in agriculture and its interdependence with the health of rural communities 2001 12

Franklin, Richard

Title Year Volume
Farm-related injury in NSW: information for prevention 2002 13

Freeman, Evan J

Title Year Volume
Trends in notifiable blood lead levels in NSW, 1998-2008 2012 23
Trends and risk factors for hepatitis A in NSW, 2000-2009: the trouble with travel 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Tuberculosis 2012 23
Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin - Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 2010 21

Freund, Megan A G

Title Year Volume
Provision of smoking care in NSW hospitals: opportunities for further enhancement 2008 19
Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients 2004 15

Frew, Deborah

Title Year Volume
Regulation of research through research governance: within and beyond NSW Health 2008 19

Friel, Sharon

Title Year Volume
Climate change, food insecurity and chronic diseases: sustainable and healthy policy opportunities
for Australia
2010 21

Fritsche, Lindy L

Title Year Volume
EpiReview – Tuberculosis in NSW, 2003-2007 2009 20
Decline in serogroup C meningococcal disease in children aged 0-18 years [Communicable Diseases
Report, May and June 2005]
2005 16

Frommer, Michael

Title Year Volume
NSW Health Aboriginal Health Impact Statement: references and resources about Aboriginal people and Aboriginal health 2003 14
The Health of the People of NSW: Report of the Chief Health Officer 1996 7
Third NSW Public Health Network conference 1996 7
Waiting lists in NSW public hospitals 1995 6
Research and development in the NSW health system 1995 6
Investing to improve the outcomes of diabetes care 1995 6
Counting the costs: a review of two tuberculosis mass contact screening investigations 1994 5
Vitamin K prophylaxis in newborn infants 1993 4
What is the difference between quality assurance and health outcomes? 1993 4
Quality and population 1993 4
The NSW Midwives Data Collection 1990 1992 3
Sudden infant death syndrome in NSW: recent developments 1992 3
Medical retrievals to tertiary referral centres in Sydney 1992 3
A practical guide to screening programs 1992 3
Maternal screening for Down's syndrome 1992 3
The NSW Health Outcomes Program 1992 3
On the right track - public health infrastructure 1991 2
Training for a healthier future 1991 2
Apparent clusters of unexplained infant deaths 1991 2
Immunisation against rabies 1990 1

Fry, Craig L

Title Year Volume
Ethical issues in obesity interventions for populations 2012 23

Fuller, Jeffrey D

Title Year Volume
Using problem-based learning in public health service based training 2007 18

Fung, Shing Chung

Title Year Volume
A link in the chain of survival: NSW ambulance response to chest pain 1996 7
Influenza immunisation rates in adults, NSW 1993 1996 7
Hospital-related mortality in NSW: preliminary results 1994 5
Hospital-related mortality in NSW - preliminary risk-adjustment 1994 5
Winter sports injuries 1994 5
Special interest group focuses on training needs 1992 3
Firearm injuries in NSW 1991 2
Trends in mortality rates: lung cancer 1990 1

Furber, Susan E

Title Year Volume
Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans 2007 18
Health impact assessment case study: working with local government to obtain health benefits 2005 16
Whooping cough in the North Coast region 1993 4
Training for a healthier future 1991 2

Furler, John

Title Year Volume
How can primary care increase equity in health? 2002 13

Furner, Virginia

Title Year Volume
Investigation of patients potentially exposed to an HIV-infected health care worker 1994 5
Improving AIDS surveillance 1991 2
Current as at: Tuesday 29 July 2014