Privacy statement

NSW Health is committed to safeguarding the privacy of personal information and complying with its obligations under the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 which applies to health privacy, and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) which applies to non-health personal information.

Patient, pharmacy, and prescriber information is collected, used and disclosed for the purpose of processing s100 co-payment claims and to evaluate the program by NSW Health.

Patients need to consent to having NSW Health pay the s100 co-payment on their behalf. This is to allow necessary information to be provided to NSW Health for the purpose of paying the co-payment. Patients who do not complete the consent form and provide it to their pharmacist may be required to pay the co-payment for their medicines themselves.

NSW Health engages the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (PGA) to administer the co-payment claims made by community pharmacies, NSW public hospital oncology services engage pharmacies to provide s100 chemotherapy medicines. These parties collect patient, pharmacy and prescriber information and disclose limited personal information to NSW Health relevant to s100 co-payments. This information will not be used for any purpose other than administering and evaluating the s100 co-payment program unless lawfully authorised.

What information is collected?

  • Patient information may include patient name and postcode, co-payment category, information about medicine(s) prescribed and Medicare number.
  • Pharmacy information may include pharmacy name, suburb, and postcode.
  • Prescriber information may include prescriber name and number.
NSW Health maintains this information on secure internal systems. Access to the information is restricted and secure.

More information on how NSW Health manages your personal information can be accessed via the NSW Health website including:
You are entitled to request access to, or amendment of your personal information or health information held by NSW Health relating to s100 co-payment claims. Requests for access to or amendment of your s100 co-payment claims information can be emailed to:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
If you have questions or a complaint about the privacy of your personal information or health information, please contact the Privacy Contact Officer at the Ministry of Health email: 
Current as at: Tuesday 20 December 2022
Contact page owner: Strategic Reform and Planning