Pharmacists are advised to consider the following to assist communities impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Keep an up-to-date listing of your services on the National Health Services Directory (NHSD). Healthdirect is the national resource for healthcare provider information and will be advising consumers on health services and pharmacy access during Tropical Cyclone (TC) Alfred.
If your pharmacy is not yet registered: Register with the NHSD. You can make changes to your service listing anytime via the NHSD service update form to keep their information current.
Refer to the Strive-for-5 Checklist for managing a power failure for guidance.
NSW Health has issued an authority under the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods legislation that authorises pharmacists to supply a Schedule 4 medicine [excluding Schedule 4 Appendix D (S4D)] without a prescription to persons affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred. This instrument has been issued to assist affected communities in accessing essential medicines.
This authority is valid until 31 March 2025.
Please note conditions of the authority include:
NSW Health has issued an authority under the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods legislation for take away doses of buprenorphine, or buprenorphine and naloxone, under the Opioid Treatment Program (OTP). This authority applies to pharmacists in the Northern NSW local Government Areas of Ballina, Bellingen, Byron, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour Dungog, Kempsey, Kyogle, Lismore, Lord Howe Island, Mid Coast, Nambucca Valley, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Richmond Valley and Tweed.
This authority permits a pharmacist to supply take-away doses of these prescribed medicines, other than as directed on the prescription. The quantity and dose supplied must not exceed treatment for 5 days.
To comply, a pharmacist who supplies any quantity of a drug of addiction on prescription under this authority must ensure that the medicine is supplied and labelled in accordance with requirements of Appendix A, including requirements for child resistant packaging.
This authority is valid until 13 March 2025.
For further queries please contact Pharmaceutical Services via the online enquiry form.
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It is a requirement under the NSW Health authorisations that allow for Schedule 4 medicines under the extended scope of pharmacist practice, that pharmacies offering the services treatment of urinary tract infections (UTI), hormonal contraception resupply, and management of skin conditions trial, are listed on the National Health Services Directory (NHSD), Healthdirect Australia. These services can only be offered by pharmacies on the NHSD and the listings must be kept current. To list a service on the NHSD, go to Register with the NHSD. You can update a listing to include further services via the NHSD service update form.
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The recent resignation of a significant number of public health psychiatrists may cause disruption in some NSW mental health services. These services remain available to people experiencing serious mental illnesses, both in hospital and community settings. It is important for anyone experiencing mental health distress or concerns at any time to reach out for help and care. Information on how to find mental health support, advice and care is available on the NSW Health website.
If your patient is having trouble accessing their medicines, the first contact should be their usual practitioner. If this practitioner is not available, the patient’s GP can coordinate mental health care. GPs may also access the GP Psychiatry Support Line for advice.
A number of medicines used to treat mental health or developmental disorders are generally prescribed by, or on the advice of, specialist prescribers in a co-management arrangement with GPs.
Some of these medicines require approval by NSW Health prior to prescribing. For more information on these requirements, see NSW requirements for approval to prescribe or supply Schedule 8 medicines.
To enable continued access to treatment, GPs that are managing patients who are impacted by these disruptions can apply to seek interim approval to prescribe for their patients. Interim approvals will be issued for continuation of treatment initiated by psychiatrists in the NSW public health system where these clinicians are unavailable to provide ongoing care. GPs intending to seek interim approval can submit an application form, see Application forms for approval to prescribe or supply. Please indicate the reason you are seeking an interim approval on your submission. For further assistance please email
There is currently a global medicine shortage of methylphenidate modified-release tablets, see the TGA website About the shortage of methylphenidate hydrochloride modified-release tablets for more information.
NSW Health have established a temporary measure to support patients to access their medicine. Under this measure pharmacists are exempted from the requirement to retain paper prescriptions and repeats for methylphenidate modified release tablets (Concerta® and Methylphenidate-Teva®) when dispensed. This means pharmacists who are unable to supply these medicines due to the shortage, can provide patients with their prescription and any repeat authorisations, to assist them to source ongoing medicine supply from another pharmacy. For more information see Exemption from the requirement on a pharmacist to keep a methylphenidate prescription.
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There is an ongoing shortage of multiple strengths of methylphenidate modified release tablets (Concerta® and Methylphenidate-Teva®), which is expected to impact availability until:
To support patients during this shortage, NSW Health has issued a temporary exemption to the requirement under Section 89 (1) of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008 to retain prescriptions and repeats for methylphenidate modified release tablets when dispensed.
The exemption will be in place until 30 June 2025, however this will be reviewed closer to the time and extended if required.
This temporary measure exempts pharmacists from the requirement to retain paper prescriptions and repeats for methylphenidate modified release tablets (Concerta® and Methylphenidate-Teva®) when dispensed. It allows pharmacists to release previously dispensed prescriptions and repeats for these medicines to patients to assist them to source ongoing medication supply when their usual pharmacy is unable to obtain the medicines due to the shortage.
The requirement for a pharmacist to keep Schedule 8 prescriptions does not apply electronic prescriptions. Issuing an electronic prescription for a Schedule 8 medicine gives patients the option to have it and any repeat dispensed at different pharmacies.
Further guidance for pharmacists on ensuring continued access to medications during this shortage is available:
For more information on managing medication shortages, visit TGA - Shortages.
NSW Health has received reports about a series of forged electronic prescriptions for Schedule 8 medicines that have been presented in pharmacies across NSW.
The forged electronic prescriptions share many characteristics with legitimate prescriptions; however, there are minor variations in prescription attributes, particularly contact information, that indicate the forgery. Pharmacists should not assume prescriptions are valid because they were issued electronically.
The Australian Digital Health Agency and the Australian Department of Health are aware of and are investigating these prescriptions. Where possible, these prescriptions have been cancelled and fraudulent prescriber accounts disabled.
Pharmacists must exercise professional caution when dispensing any prescription for a Schedule 8 medicine and not dispense suspicious prescriptions that appear to be forged, altered, or fraudulently obtained.
If presented with a suspected forged electronic prescription, do not dispense it. The electronic prescription should be cancelled to make the token invalid and unable to be used by any person. Dispensing software systems that are up to date with the most recent conformance profile will have a ‘disable’ function that can be used to manage potential fraudulent scripts. If you are not aware of the ‘disable’ functionality within your dispensing software, please contact your dispense vendor with a request for them to provide you with instructions on how to disable an electronic prescription.
Fraudulent prescriptions must be reported to Pharmaceutical Services via the notification form and the police. The Digital Health Agency ( should also be informed.
Pharmacists are reminded to exercise an appropriate level of judgement and due diligence when presented with any prescription for a Schedule 8 medicine written by a medical practitioner they are not familiar with. When verifying Schedule 8 prescriptions, pharmacists must ensure that, in addition to meeting prescription requirements for a valid Schedule 8 medicine, they either know the patient or prescriber or confirm the prescription is valid by independently verifying it with the prescriber. Pharmacists should be aware that forged prescriptions in the name of doctors not registered on Ahpra have also been reported.
More information is available at:
The recently published Public Health (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 2024 includes amendments to the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966,the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 and the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2022. These changes have been made to align the NSW legislation of vaping goods to the Commonwealth vaping reforms.
The key changes for pharmacists supplying vaping goods are listed below and should be noted to ensure compliance with the updated legislation.
Key changes:
More information for pharmacists can be found at Vaping goods.
Since the program commenced on 1 October, the team has visited more than 50 pharmacies across NSW. The minor issues identified were resolved on the spot, with no further action required. No major compliance issues have been identified.
The team has:
Individuals are using elaborate forgery schemes to obtain Schedule 8 medicines. Examples include requests made via email by a ‘prescriber’ with the ‘patient’ presenting late in the day to collect the medicine. The pharmacist does not receive a valid prescription within 7 days, as is legally required.
To prevent unlawful diversion, misuse, or oversupply of these high-risk medicines, we would like to remind pharmacists of their obligation to verify Schedule 8 prescriptions prior to dispensing.
When presented with a prescription or a request to dispense a Schedule 8 medicine:
By following these guidelines, pharmacists can help combat prescription misuse and ensure the safety of their patients.
After reviewing how people reach us and in an effort to streamline communication and enhance user experience, Pharmaceutical Services is transitioning from the telephone-based Duty Pharmaceutical Officer (DPO) service to a new online enquiry form. This initiative aims to simplify the process for reaching out and improve efficiency and consistency of responses. Responses will be provided within 5 business days.
Our commitment is to make PSU accessible and facilitate easier access to the information you need. We are also reviewing our website to better serve you. We encourage you to browse our Information directory and use the online enquiry form for all future enquiries and feedback. Please note the DPO service will cease on 7 October 2024.
From 1 October 2024 therapeutic vapes containing up to 20mg/mL nicotine will be available in pharmacies for Schedule 3 supply to patients 18 years or over.
The Pharmaceutical Service Unit eCigarette Compliance Team will provide support to wholesalers, pharmacies, and practitioners regarding regulatory compliance. This team will also be responsible for ensuring legal obligations are met, and responsible practices are in place to protect public health and safety.
Information for pharmacists is available at the TGA Vaping Hub and Nicotine vaping.
The Pharmaceutical Services Unit (PSU) is reminding pharmacists of the legislative requirements for dispensing Schedule 8 prescriptions for psychostimulant medicines such as dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine or methylphenidate. Find out more about the requirements for dispensing Schedule 8 psychostimulant medicines.