A trial for appropriately trained pharmacists to provide community access to important medications and treatments usually only available with a prescription, is running in NSW.

The University of Newcastle is leading the trial in association with the University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, University of New England, Charles Sturt University, The George Institute for Global Health and the Hunter Medical Research Institute.


Latest updates

The clinical trial allowing participating pharmacies to provide treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI) ended on 31 May 2024. The University of Newcastle is undertaking an independent evaluation of the data collected from the trial. Trial outcomes will be shared as they become available in 2025.

From 1 June 2024, treatment for uncomplicated UTIs can be provided at any eligible NSW pharmacy. For more information about accessing UTI treatment at pharmacies,  please visit the information for the community.

Pharmacists can find more information about providing UTI treatment on the information for pharmacists.

Information for the community - Oral contraceptive pill

Learn if you can get a resupply of your oral contraceptive pill at a pharmacy.
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Information for pharmacists

If you are a pharmacy owner, or pharmacist, learn more about participating in the trial.
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Find a participating pharmacy

Search for a pharmacist near you that is taking part in the trial and can provide advice.
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Current as at: Monday 27 May 2024
Contact page owner: Pharmaceutical Services