PD2023_014 Verification of death and medical certificate of cause of death
PD2023_014 Verification of death and medical certificate of cause of death outlines the processes for the assessment and documentation to verify death and the medical certification of death for patients within the NSW Health system. It describes the roles of medical practitioners, registered nurses / registered midwives and qualified paramedics employed by NSW Health in relation to assessment and documentation when patients die within the NSW Health system.
This policy directive and the forms (Verification of Death and Death Certification Arrangements for Expected Home Death) contained within it are for the use of NSW Health staff. NSW Health staff may order the forms through their usual local process.
Two eLearning modules are available to NSW Health staff via HETI Online to assist with implementation of the policy directive:
- Verification of Death
- Managing Death and Death Certification.
PD2014_030 Using Resuscitation Plans in End of Life Decisions
PD2014_030 Using Resuscitation Plans in End of Life Decisions describes the standards and principles relating to appropriate use of adult and paediatric resuscitation plans by NSW public health organisations. A resuscitation plan is a medically authorised order to use or withhold resuscitation measures which also documents other aspects of treatment relevant at end of life.
This policy directive and the forms contained within it are for the use of NSW Health staff. NSW Health staff may order the forms through their usual local process.
To assist NSW public health organisations in communicating with staff, two PowerPoint presentations have been developed:
Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual
Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual provides operational guidance and procedures to support compliance with the NSW law on obtaining consent to medical and healthcare treatment from patients or their substitute consent providers.
GL2021_004 End of Life Care and Decision-Making - Guidelines
GL2021_004 End of Life Care and Decision-Making - Guidelines provides useful advice for NSW Health staff about the process for navigating complex end of life decisions wherever that care is delivered. This guideline sets out a process for reaching end of life decisions, in a way that safeguards both patients and health practitioners, through open and compassionate communication, appropriate treatment decisions and fairness.