Research on the NSW Health sexual assault medical and forensic workforce


NSW Health commissioned a team of researchers lead by Western Sydney University to undertake a qualitative research project to investigate the motivations and barriers to participation for the sexual assault medical and forensic workforce, to inform work to stabilise and expand the sexual assault and broader medical and forensic workforce.

The research findings are based on qualitative interviews with 31 doctors and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) who were currently working in, or had recently left the NSW Health sexual assault medical and forensic workforce.

The report makes five recommendations to improve conditions and retention of medical and forensic sexual assault workforce.

Most of these recommendations will be addressed through the NSW Government’s 2023 commitment to establish an additional 48 FTE permanent, daytime medical and forensic positions under the Medical and Forensic Workforce Plan Enhancement Funding​​.

The Ministry of Health will continue to work with Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks to address the research findings and scope implementing recommendations to better support the sexual assault medical and forensic workforce.​​​​

File Size: 2447 kb
Type: Report
Date of Publication: 10 May 2024
ISBN: 978-1-76023-664-9
SHPN: (GR) 230877