NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit

The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 has been amended to allow all registered medical practitioners and general practice nurses access to the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit. This legislative change reflects the important role private health professionals play in identifying and responding to vulnerable families.

Last updated: 23 May 2023

Registered medical practitioners and general practice nurses can now contact the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit to seek advice if they have concerns about the safety, welfare and wellbeing of a child, young person, or an unborn child.

What is the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit?

The NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit is a telephone support service staffed by child protection professionals proficient in the assessment and management of risk to children and young people.

The service can:

  • assist you to identify appropriate actions and referrals in response to concerns
  • give you relevant information held about past child protection related concerns
  • provide guidance around how to raise your health, safety and wellbeing concerns with parents.

All contacts with the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit are documented in a state-wide interagency database. Where required, the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit can report high risk matters to the Child Protection Helpline on your behalf.

When should you call?

You should call the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit when:

  • the outcome of completing the NSW Online Mandatory Reporter Guide directs you to do so
  • you need advice about the safety, welfare or wellbeing of a child, young person or unborn child and their family.

If you suspect a child or young person is at imminent risk of significant harm, call the Child Protection Helpline (24/7) directly on 13 21 11.

Contact details

The NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit is available Monday to Friday between 8:30am to 5pm on 1300 480 420.

If you are calling after hours, please leave a message, or use the PDF After Hours Contact Form to provide some specific information about your concerns. A Child Wellbeing Unit worker will normally respond the next business day, using the contact details you provide.​

Current as at: Tuesday 23 May 2023