NSW Health Aboriginal Family Health Strategy provides a framework for responding to family violence in Aboriginal communities within a culturally competent, family based context with a focus on healing. The strategy will contribute to the provision of an integrated response based on collaboration between services. The strategy describes a model of care and presents positive action based solutions which aim to:
- reduce the incidence and impact of family violence in Aboriginal communities
- build the capacity and strength of individuals and communities to prevent, respond to and recover from family violence
- nurture the spirit, resilience and cultural identity that builds Aboriginal families.
The Aboriginal Family Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Strategy 2017-2022 is currently in development. This strategy will build on the first Aboriginal family health framework to support community wellbeing as well as the promotion of healing and culturally safe service provision to Aboriginal families and communities. The strategy will explore how Aboriginal worldviews, cultural practices and spirituality intersect with key health issues and ways to enhance how these components are incorporated into violence prevention and response by NSW Health.
Responding to child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities
The NSW Ombudsman's Report,
Responding to Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities, was tabled in Parliament on 31 January 2013. The report made 93 recommendations. NSW Health, along with other government and non-government organisations have been working towards implementing the recommendations.