Public outpatient services in NSW are generally not provided to patients presenting with these conditions.
On this page
Adult patients (aged 16 years or over)
Paediatric patients (aged 0 to 15 years)
Adult patients (aged 16 years or over)
Age-related macular degeneration | - Drusen.
- Family history but asymptomatic.
- Patients able to continue anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment in the community.
- Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) changes (previously called Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration).
Cataracts | - Assessment with optometrist and not affecting activities of daily living (ADLs).
- Lens opacities that do not cause visual symptoms or limit daily activities.
- Patient does not want surgery.
- Refractive lens exchange (except for medical reasons).
Diabetic retinopathy | - Mild Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR).
- Moderate NPDR or non-centre involving diabetic macular oedema. These patients should have an optical coherence tomography (OCT) or fundus photography by their local eye health professional. Refer to
RANZCO Guidelines for timeframes.
- Routine referral for screening.
Note: refer to local eye health professional for fundus photography. Note: pregnant patients with any diabetic retinopathy should be referred. |
Eyelid malposition (entropion and ectropion) | Asymptomatic entropion or ectropion in the context of normal corneal sensation |
Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy | - Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy or pseudophakic bullous keratopathy and Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) 6/12 or better without functional impact on activities of daily living.
- Patient does not want surgery.
Glaucoma | - Ocular hypertension with intraocular pressure (IOP) < 28 mmHg with normal discs/fields and no other signs or risk factors for glaucoma.
- Screening due to presence of glaucoma in family history.
Keratoconus | Keratoconus with stable findings and tolerating visual aids (i.e. contact lenses, spectacles) with visual function meeting individual needs. |
Lid lesions | - Benign eyelid lesions not affecting vision or causing functional deficit.
- Minor cosmetic eyelid lesions.
Low vision assistance | For low vision assistance see
Vision Australia,
Guide Dogs Australia and
Macular Disease Foundation Australia for more information. |
Macular hole or epiretinal membrane | - Asymptomatic, visual acuity 6/9 or better and no significant distortion.
- Patient not willing to have surgery.
- Vitreo-macular traction not causing distortion or visual loss.
Posterior capsular opacity | Patient not willing to have YAG laser procedure. |
Pterygium | - Asymptomatic pterygium or symptoms treatable with topical therapy (i.e. not threatening visual axis).
- Patient does not want surgery.
- Pterygium ≤ 1 mm from limbus to apex.
Ptosis | Patient does not want surgery. |
Strabismus or ocular motility disorder | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Paediatric patients (aged 0 to 15 years)
Anisocoria (unequal pupil size) | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Cataracts | - Screening for cataract aged > 8 years due to family history of congenital cataract.
- Screening for cataract for aged > 8 years that do not have current treatment regime, medication or systemic disease that may cause development of cataract.
Keratoconus | Keratoconus with stable findings and tolerating visual aids (i.e. contact lenses, spectacles) with visual function meeting individual needs. |
Low vision assistance | For low vision assistance see
Vision Australia,
Guide Dogs Australia and
Macular Disease Foundation Australia for more information. |
Nystagmus | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Optic nerve head swelling | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Ptosis | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Reduced visual acuity | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Strabismus or ocular motility disorder | Nil out of scope criteria. |
Uveitis | Nil out of scope criteria. |