Criteria to access public outpatient services
Category 1
Recommended to be seen within 30 calendar days. | - Structural Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV).
Note: refer to state-wide referral criteria for club foot. - Rigid foot deformity.
Category 2
Recommended to be seen within 90 calendar days. | Flexible foot deformity not responding to physiotherapy
or stretches in early infancy (for example by 6 months of age). |
Category 3
Recommended to be
seen within 365 calendar days. | Child aged > 2 years with significant metatarsus adductus causing functional problems or difficulty with footwear. |
Information to include within a referral
- Reason for referral.
- Details of the presenting condition.
- Provisional diagnosis.
- Patient health summary (such as relevant medical history, relevant investigations, current medications and dosages, immunisations, allergies and/or adverse reactions), including specifically:
- presence of flexible and/or rigid deformity
- prior treatment (for example physiotherapy or stretches)
- family history of residual metatarsus adductus or foot conditions
- hip screening tests (for example Barlow and Ortolani tests).
If available
- Hip imaging (for example ultrasound in child aged < 6 months, X-ray in child aged > 6 months).
- If the patient identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
- If the patient is considered 'at risk' and/or among a vulnerable, disadvantaged or priority population.
- If the patient is suitable for virtual care or telehealth.
- If the patient has special needs or requires reasonable adjustments to be made.
- If the patient requires an interpreter (if so, list preferred language).
Important information for referring health professionals
If there is a change to a patient’s condition while waiting for their appointment, referring health professionals may further investigate and manage the situation, or send an updated referral to the outpatient service. Where there are significant concerns about a patient's condition, referring health professionals may check HealthPathways for urgent/same day advice or contact the relevant clinical team.