Effects of stroke
- Dry mouth.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Weak tongue muscles.
- Arm and hand weakness.
- Reduced feeling in your mouth.
- Weak face muscles.
The effects of stroke can impact your ability to clean your teeth and gums
- Makes it harder to brush your teeth properly.
- Leads to a build-up of leftover food in your mouth.
- Increases the amount of acid that stays in your mouth.
- Can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Getting help
Speak to any health care provider about your oral health concerns. If this is not your dental practitioner, this could be your:
- GP
- Physio
- Speech pathologist.
Ask them to refer you to a dental practitioner close to your home. Speaking up is the best way to address any oral health concern.
A healthy mouth
- sensation in your mouth
- your speech
- your general health.
Decreases your risk of:
- pneumonia
- gum disease and tooth decay
- Brush your teeth two times a day.
- Consider an electronic toothbrush for an easier clean.
- Use low foaming tooth paste with fluoride.
- After brushing spit, don’t rinse.
- Use thicker toothbrush handlers to assist grip.
- Stay hydrated throughout the day.
- Sit upright to eat and drink.
- Speak to any health care providers about your oral health.
Patients on modified diets should always follow advice from their speech pathologist.
- Don’t forget oral health. Teeth must be brushed twice a day and dentures cleaned daily.
- Check your client’s mouth after every meal for leftover food.
- Be mindful that it may feel strange for your client to receive oral care.
- Use a ‘Tell-Show-Do’ approach. Tell your client what you will do. Show them. Do what you said.
- Encourage regular dental visits. Tell the dental practitioner of any changes you notice such as redness, swelling or smell.
- Ensure that your client drinks water throughout the day.
How do I access dental care?
Dental services in NSW
Public dental services are free for adults with one of the following Australian Government concession cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Health Care Card
- Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
To make a dental appointment with a public dental service, call: 1800 679 336.
They will ask for your Medicare card details. If you are an adult, you will also need your concession card details.
To find a private dentist go to Australian Dental Association - Find a dentist.