The Share the Same Smile resource provides information for recently arrived refugees and migrants to NSW about taking care of their oral health and the NSW Public Oral Health Service.
Please download presenter notes and instructions for this presentation.
The resource has been designed to be used by bilingual community educators, and while best suited for this use, it may be used by anyone working with refugee communities, recently arrived migrants, or communities with low English literacy.
People intending to use this resource should have training by an oral health professional, preferably someone working for the public oral health service in their local area.
The resource is structured to suit a range of literacy levels in recognition of the diversity of migrant groups. It is best presented in the language of the intended audience by a trained bilingual community educator, but may also be presented in simple English.
Download the presentation.
The presentation is also available as a flipchart, which may be obtained by ordering through the Better Health Centre.