How to keep teeth healthy
Food and drinks
- Offer your child healthy snacks like cheese, vegetable sticks, fresh fruit, and plain yoghurt.
- Make water your family's drink.
Brushing teeth
- Brush teeth after breakfast and before bed using fluoride toothpaste.
- Help children brush their teeth until they are about 8 years old.
Dental check-ups
- Children should have their teeth checked regularly.
- If children play contact sport, they should wear a well fitted mouthguard, to reduce the risk of injury to their teeth.
Did you know?
- Once a child gets tooth decay it can get worse quickly.
- Tooth decay can cause pain and infection.
- Children with tooth decay may have trouble eating, sleeping and focusing in class.
What can cause tooth decay?
- Bacteria (germs) in the mouth feeding on the sugary drinks and sticky food you eat.
- Constantly sipping on sugary drinks like fruit juice, cordials and soft drinks throughout the day.
- Eating food like cakes, biscuits, pastries and lollies between meals.
- Eating savoury snacks that stick to teeth like potato chips, puffed rice, corn crackers and crispbreads.
- Not brushing teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
Dental services in NSW
NSW Public Dental Services provide free general and emergency dental care for all children under the age of 18 with a Medicare card. NSW Public Dental Services provide free general and emergency dental care for adults holding an Australian government concession card. To access NSW Public Dental Services call: 1800 679 336.
Some children (between 0 and 17 years) may be eligible for the
Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).
For a private dentist visit the website of the Australian Dental Association.
If you need an Interpreter Service call 13 14 50.