NSW Health Oral Health Strategic Plan 2022-2032


The Oral Health Strategic Plan 2022– 2032 has been developed to establish a shared expectation for what public oral health care in NSW will look like in 2032. Through the directions outlined in this strategy, NSW Health is committed to reducing dental disease and providing equitable access to oral health care for our patients. The future of oral health care is about promoting dental practitioners as essential health providers and improving the engagement and links between oral health and a personʼs overall health.

The five strategic directions are:

  • improving oral health wellness across the population
  • providing safe, high quality patient-centre care
  • delivering truly integrated care
  • enabling research, innovation and health technologies
  • supporting and developing our workforce.

This Strategy has been designed in collaboration with consumers and stakeholders including public health organisations, Aboriginal community controlled health organisations, relevant government organisations, dental and oral health peak bodies and associations, tertiary institutions, and non-government agencies. The Strategy will be implemented in partnership with consumers of public dental services, and the stakeholders who collaborated in its design.

Related link

Oral Health 2020: A Strategic Framework for Dental Health in NSW

File Size: 1787 kb
Type: Strategy
Date of Publication: 27 February 2023
ISBN: 978-1-76081-631-5
SHPN: (COHS) 210126