Community Packages (ComPacks) facilitate safe and early discharges from hospital by providing eligible patients with a short-term package of care designed to help them regain independence and prevent their readmission to hospital.
ComPacks is available to in-patients of participating NSW public hospitals requiring short-term coordinated home care services, to return home safely.
ComPacks is available for up to six weeks post discharge and does not provide ongoing or intensive levels of care in the home.
Referrals are made by delegated health staff when an individual is in hospital. These include nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and discharge planners.
ComPacks - Healthy at Home (HaH)
ComPacks is also used in some LHDs as an early intervention hospital avoidance strategy. This is known as ComPacks Healthy at Home (HaH). ComPacks HaH is only available in some LHDs: Southern NSW, South Western Sydney, South Eastern Sydney, Northern Sydney and Hunter New England LHDs. These packages are delivered in partnership with LHD clinical services to prevent hospital admissions.
ComPacks HaH is available for up to six weeks post discharge and does not provide ongoing or intensive levels of care in the home.
Referrals are made by delegated health staff. These include nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and physiotherapists from Community health teams.