Scholarships are awarded by a selection panel. Decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. The number of scholarships allocated is subject to total funds available within the 2024 postgraduate scholarship budget. Applications will be assessed based on meeting scholarship criteria and the provision of essential supporting documents within the required timeframe.
Scholarship applications are only able to be assessed based on the information provided by the applicant. If the applicant has written the wrong essay or submitted incomplete paperwork, then that is what will be assessed by the panel. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the correct essay and signed paperwork has been provided for assessment.
All applicants will be notified by email by the end of May 2024.
Successful applicants will receive a single payment dependent upon the postgraduate qualification being undertaken. The amount of the scholarship is based on the postgraduate qualification that you're studying:
People who receive funding from another source for the same course of study may have their scholarship amount reduced or withdrawn. Please ensure you provide information about other scholarships or funding that you are receiving.
Letters via email will be sent to all applicants by the end of May 2024. It can take up to six weeks to process payments into nominated bank accounts from this time. Please note however unexpected delays can occur.
Scholarship funding is provided to assist applicants with educational expenses directly associated with their postgraduate study. The Nursing and Midwifery Office and the Health Education and Training Institute require that expenditure receipts are retained by the applicant and for taxation purposes.
Successful applicants who defer or withdraw from their course being studied in 2024 must notify the Health Education and Training Institute in writing within seven days. Full or partial repayment of scholarship funding may be required, subject to individual review.
If a student owes outstanding money from a previous scholarship the offer of the new scholarship will be withheld until the funds are repaid or if an overpayment is identified or you do not continue with your course (subject to individual review).
You must submit your application by the scholarship closing date of 23 February 2024. If your enrolment confirmation is unavailable at this time please indicate your intention to enrol and forward your enrolment as soon as possible.
No withholding tax will be deducted.
Please seek independent taxation advice regarding your personal circumstances.
An FBT issue may arise with employees of the NSW public health system who receive funding from the NSW Ministry of Health.