What is Mental Health Pathways in Practice (MHPiP)

Transcript of What is Mental Health Pathways in Practice (MHPiP)

Jacqui Cross, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, NSW Health: What I'd like participants to do with the knowledge that they've gained from this course is to see it as part of a lifelong Learning Journey.

I think it's really important that it doesn't sit to one side it isn't about something I've learned or something that I feel I've had to do I want them to see it as an opportunity and I want to see them as an opportunity around their own growth but also about how our teams come together to use that knowledge to develop the best possible care that we can and how we look at the things that we do well and we improve the things that we don't do so well.

Current as at: Monday 27 February 2023
Contact page owner: Nursing and Midwifery