​​​​​​​​​​A collection of resources for midwives to navigate professional development and educational needs. The resources are designed specifically for midwives to support the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities to enhance a midwifery culture of teaching and learning.

Midwifery Learning Navigator - available soon

Mandatory T​ra​ining

The required mandatory training for midwives is flagged for each individual when signed in to My Health Learning. Further information is also available on the Mandatory Training M​atrix and Targeting | HETI.

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)

The NSW Education Program on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a statewide program. Workshops are offered throughout the year and interested midwives can register through My Health Learning (course code CSK14891). For further information contact: WSLHD-FGMEducationProgram@health.nsw.gov.au

​Other e​ducation resources

ECAV website - Education Centr​e Against Viol​ence (ECAV)


Access to resources will be available soon, check this website for updates.

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Current as at: Tuesday 9 July 2024
Contact page owner: Nursing and Midwifery