Selection of applicants is based on merit with all applicants prioritised in the following order:
Domestic candidates
Applicants who are either: Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent Residents or New Zealand Citizens. -
International candidates
Applicants who do not currently hold Australian Citizenship/Australian Permanent Residency/New Zealand Citizenship. These applicants are international students who are studying/working in Australia on temporary study/work visas at the time they are completing their studies.
Applicants will be advised of their recruitment outcome by email on
Tuesday 14 October 2025.
There are two recruitment outcomes:
Successful - offered a position from one of the preferences in your application and receive a ‘Conditional Offer’ subject to screening checks.
Eligible but no position available - placed on
Eligible Applicants’ Bank.
Successful applicants
Wednesday 15 October 2025 successful applicants will receive an email containing a link to accept or decline their offer. This must be completed by
21 October 2025.
You must accept or decline the offer by the due date
It's easy to accept or decline your offer via the link emailed to you. You can also accept or decline by visiting
NSW Health Careers, going to My Applications and selecting the Tasks tab to open the offer.
If you decline an offer you will be ineligible for any further offers in this campaign. If you neither accept or decline the offer, it will be assumed that you are declining the offer and will be ineligible for future campaign offers.
If you are concerned about completing your studies in time to commence employment, contact the
coordinator for advice.
Planning for employment
You must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) before commencing employment as a registered nurse or midwife with NSW Health. This registration is completed through the
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
You can start your application for registration 4 -6 weeks before completing your studies. The majority of GradStart positions commence in February each year. It is important not to delay your application for registration. The registration process can take between 2 -8 weeks to process.
Your registration will not be complete until you have successfully completed your course requirements and the NMBA have received all documentation.
Employment contracts
Following satisfactory employment screening of successful applicants, employers will send employment contracts from November to December 2025. The employment contract will contain relevant information about your start date, specific location and terms and conditions of employment.
If you need to change your agreed start date due to unforeseen circumstances, or you need to discuss any component of your employment, please contact the relevant person detailed in your employment contract as soon as possible.
If you are unable to supply evidence of your registration within the required timeframe specified by your employer, and prior to commencement of employment, your job offer may be withdrawn.
If your registration with AHPRA is delayed, contact your employer immediately to discuss.
Eligible Applicants’ Bank
NSW Health employers use the Eligible Applicants’ Bank to fill vacant positions. This may be due to other GradStart applicants declining offers or withdrawing from the recruitment process during first round selections.
The Eligible Applicants’ Bank is available to NSW Health employers from
Monday 27 October 2025 to fill any remaining vacancies. Your name will remain on the Eligible Applicants’ Bank unless:
- you decline an offer from one of your eight preferences or
- you decline two offers from facilities which are not included in your preferences
Exceptions made be made during later stages of campaign supporting applicants to accept positions in rural facilities.
Offers to candidates on the Eligible Applicant’s Bank will be made via phone. Candidates who accept a verbal offer will receive conditional offer via email - accept this offer via a link in the email.
The Eligible Applicants’ Bank will remain open until the end of August 2026 or until all positions are filled, whichever occurs first.
Seeking interview feedback
All applicants are encouraged to seek feedback. If you are placed on the Eligible Applicants Bank, we encourage you to seek feedback on your interview performance from your interviewing facility. Contact details will be included in your recruitment outcome letter.
Remember, seeking feedback will assist you to improve your performance in the future and assist you to apply for other roles.