Make a difference and care for Mob

Working with NSW Health as an Aboriginal nursing or midwifery cadet offers many opportunities.

Applications open 16 December 2024.

Register your interest

Why choose us?

Connection to culture is central to the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Care and cultural understanding from an Aboriginal nurse or midwife allow patients to feel safer and advocated for when away from family and community.

Cadetships are available to support your dream of giving back to your community. They offer financial support, work placements and mentoring exposing you to the diverse possibilities of nursing and midwifery. They are a chance to focus on your studies, experience the workforce and build relationships.

​​​Recruitment process​​​

Help and support​

Current as at: Wednesday 26 June 2024
Contact page owner: Nursing and Midwifery