06 September 2024

The NSW Government has appointed former NSW Deputy Premier Carmel Tebbutt and former NSW Leader of the Opposition, John Brogden as Co-Chairs of the upcoming NSW Drug Summit.

The Co-Chairs will work with attendees to develop and prioritise solutions that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the community and address other important issues including:

  • equity, respect and inclusion
  • safety and justice
  • keeping people safe
  • integrated care and social support.

The Regional Health Minister Ryan Park has also confirmed the Drug Summit will host two regional forums in Griffith on Friday, 1 November and Lismore on Monday, 4 November.

The regional forums will ensure the unique experiences of people in regional NSW are reflected in the deliberations of the summit.

The Drug Summit will bring together medical experts, police, people with lived and living experience, drug user organisations, families, service providers and other stakeholders to provide a range of perspectives and build consensus on the way NSW deals with drug use and harms.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Ryan Park:

“I'm so pleased to announce today the appointment of two respected co-chairs to lead this important process.

“Former Deputy Premier Carmel Tebbutt and former Opposition Leader John Brogden bring a wealth of experience and have a deep understanding of the sensitivity, and complexity of issues that will be canvassed at the Summit.

“They both bring experience of being in public office and working with communities to find solutions to complex issues.

“Taking the Summit to regional areas like Lismore and Griffith is integral because we know that drug use impacts communities in many different ways. The drug summit will bring people together to find new ways forward to tackle this incredibly complex and difficult problem."

Quotes attributable to Co-Chair Carmel Tebbutt:

“Twenty-four years ago, I participated in the first Drug Summit, which saw important improvements to drug treatment services and policy.

“While much has changed since then, we know illicit drug use still causes significant harm to individuals, families and communities.

“I am honoured to serve as Co-Chair for the 2024 Drug Summit and look forward to the summit bringing together diverse perspectives to develop compassionate and effective evidence-based actions."

Quotes attributable to Co-Chair John Brogden AM:

“Ultimately, we want to save more lives.

“The summit will listen to professionals and, importantly the community, to see how we can do that across all areas where government and the public intersects with drug use and related crime."