People are being urged to check the poppy seeds in their kitchens after a previously recalled batch of non-food grade poppy seeds was found to have re-entered the supply chain.
NSW Health advises the impacted product has been confirmed as 'Royal Fields Poppy Seeds' (Basfoods), with a best before date of 25 June 2024, sold through Coles. This product was
previously recalled in November 2022, but Coles has identified that some units of the product were purchased from their stores in recent weeks.
This product is not safe to consume and people who have purchased this recalled batch of poppy seeds should throw it out or return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
The affected product is listed on the FSANZ website.
Anyone who is concerned about exposure to the product should call the NSW Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. NSW Health urges anyone who experiences any unusual and severe symptoms to seek immediate medical attention by visiting their nearest emergency department. In the event of an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
Reported symptoms can be severe, including:
- severe muscle cramping, muscle spasms and abnormal movements
- seizures
- cardiac arrest.
The NSW Poisons Information Centre can be contacted 24/7 on 13 11 26 and can provide more information about poisons and what to do in suspected cases of poppy seed poisoning. Health professionals should seek advice from the Poisons Information Centre or their local toxicology service for the latest clinical advice if they see a patient presenting after consuming the poppy seeds.
NSW Health is working with the NSW Food Authority, as well as other jurisdictions, to investigate the issue further.