NSW recorded 24 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, of which 17 are linked to previously confirmed cases.
Four new overseas-acquired cases were recorded in the same period, bringing the total number of cases in NSW since the beginning of the pandemic to 5,665.
There have been 195 locally acquired cases reported since 16 June 2021, when the first case of the Bondi cluster, a driver who transported international flight crew, was reported. Of these, 175 are now linked to the Bondi cluster.
There were 59,941 tests reported to 8pm last night, compared with the previous day’s total of 68,220.
NSW Health administered 20,716 COVID-19 vaccines in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, including 7,592 at the vaccination centre at Sydney Olympic Park.
The total number of vaccines administered in NSW is now 2,231,996, with 851,400 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 1,380,596 administered by the GP network and other providers to 11.59pm on Tuesday 29 June.
Confirmed cases (incl. interstate residents in NSW health care facilities) | 5,665 |
Deaths (in NSW from confirmed cases) | 56 |
Total tests carried out | 6,984,429 |
Total vaccinations administered in NSW | 2,231,996 |
Of today’s 24 new locally acquired cases, nine were in isolation throughout their infectious periods. A further three cases were in isolation for part of their infectious periods. Twelve cases were infectious in the community.
One of today’s new cases is that of a healthcare worker, announced to the media yesterday, who worked at Fairfield Hospital and Royal North Shore Hospital while infectious from the 24 June to 28 June. A household contact of this nurse is also included today as a case.
More than 200 staff and patients have been identified as close contacts to date, with investigations and contact tracing ongoing.
There were no new cases linked to the Great Ocean Foods seafood wholesaler in Marrickville. The total number of cases linked to this location remains at 19.
Two new cases are linked to the West Hoxton birthday party. This brings the total number of cases acquired through the birthday party to 41, including 27 people who acquired their infection at the party and 14 subsequent contacts.
One new case was linked to Crossways Hotel. This brings the total number of cases linked to the hotel to eight, including six people who acquired it at the venue and two subsequent contacts.
No new cases were linked to Christo’s Pizzeria in Paddington. The total number of cases linked to this venue remains at four.
One new case was linked to Joh Bailey Double Bay. The total number of cases linked to Joh Bailey is now 13, including nine people who acquired their infection at the venue and four subsequent contacts.
One new case was linked to Lyfe Café Bondi Beach. The total is now 25, seven of whom acquired their infection at the café and 18 of whom were subsequent contacts.
NSW Health is also now advising anyone who visited the Pacific Square, 737 Anzac Parade at Maroubra, at any time between 23 June to 27 June
to get tested immediately and isolate if they have even the mildest of symptoms. In addition, anyone who attended Westfield Eastgardens, 152 Bunnerong Rd at Eastgardens, between midday and 2.30 pm on Friday 25 June to get tested immediately and isolate if they have even the mildest of symptoms. Please continue to monitor for symptoms and immediately isolate and get tested if they develop. NSW Health strongly encourages testing for people who have been to the centres.
NSW Health urges people everywhere to continue to get tested if they are suffering even the mildest of symptoms and have already undergone a COVID-19 test.
To keep our community safe, follow NSW Health advice. If you are directed to
get tested for COVID 19 or
self-isolate at any time, you must follow the
rules whether or not the venue or exposure setting is listed on the NSW Health website.
Please check the
NSW Government website regularly and follow the relevant health advice if you have attended a venue of concern or travelled on a route of concern.
Anyone travelling to NSW after 12.01am yesterday (Wednesday 30 June) who has been in the Northern Territory, Queensland, or Western Australia, in the previous 14 days must complete a declaration form. Declaration requirements are still also in place for people who have been in Victoria in the previous 14 days.
The declaration form is available on the Service NSW website, and can be completed in the 24 hour period before entering NSW or on arrival. The information gathered from travel declarations is vital to allow NSW Health to contact travellers if necessary.
NSW Health advises against non-essential travel to lockdown areas in other states and territories at this time. Do not travel to NSW if you have attended a venue of concern as close contacts must isolate immediately, get tested and remain in isolation for 14 days, and contact the relevant health authorities in their state or territory.
NSW Health urges people who have recently travelled from the Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and Victoria to regularly check the local health websites to see if they have visited any of the venues of concern, and if so, immediately follow the relevant public health advice.
If you are in NSW and have attended any of the venues identified by the local public health authorities at the times and dates listed, please contact NSW Health immediately on
1800 943 553.
In the past 24 hours, NSW Health’s ongoing sewage surveillance program has detected fragments of the virus that causes COVID-19 in the sewerage networks at Croydon, Glenfield, Liverpool, Fairfield, and Penrith.
NSW Health is aware of recently confirmed cases of COVID-19 who are isolating in all of these catchments. Everyone living or working in and around these areas is asked to be especially vigilant for any symptoms that could signal COVID. If they appear, please get tested and self-isolate immediately until a negative result is received.
There are more than 350 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW, many of which are open seven days a week. To find your nearest clinic visit
COVID-19 testing clinics or contact your GP.
NSW Health is treating 150 COVID-19 cases. Two of these are in intensive care and one is ventilated. Most cases (91 per cent) are being treated in non-acute, out-of-hospital care, including returned travellers in the Special Health Accommodation.
Likely source of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW
Overseas | 4 | 17 | 3,284 |
| 0 | 1 | 91 |
Locally acquired – linked to known case or cluster | 17 | 142 | 1,827 |
Locally acquired – no links to known case or cluster | 0 | 0 | 451 |
Locally acquired – investigation ongoing | 7 | 10 | 12 |
Under initial investigation | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Note: Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.
*notified from 8pm 29 June 2021 to 8pm 30 June 2021
**from 8pm 24 June 2021 to 8pm 30 June 2021
Today's press conference will be uploaded to
our website.