NSW recorded no new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm last night.
Fifteen new cases were acquired overseas to 8pm last night, bringing the total number of cases in NSW since the beginning of the pandemic to 5,275.
There were 12,894 tests reported to 8pm last night, compared with the previous day's total of 16,635.
NSW Health administered 3,728 vaccines in the 24 hours to 8pm last night. The total number of vaccines administered in NSW is now 608,538, with 202,220 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 406,318 administered by Commonwealth Government providers, including GPs, to 11.59pm on Tuesday 27 April.
NSW Health today extends thanks to the communities of Allambie Heights, Burwood Beach, and Merimbula for their great response to calls for COVID-19 testing after fragments of the virus that causes COVID-19 were detected in their sewage networks recently.
Allambie Heights returned a second consecutive positive detection this week, but repeat samples taken at Burwood Beach and Merimbula did not detect virus fragments. Further samples are being collected and tested.
Positive sewage results may indicate the presence of people, including returned travellers, who have recently recovered from COVID-19, as they can continue to shed fragments of the virus for several weeks after recovery.
However, NSW Health is concerned the sewage results could signal undetected cases in the community, and asks people in these areas to be alert for any symptoms that could signal COVID‑19, including sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, loss of taste or sense of smell, or headache. If symptoms appear, please isolate and get tested immediately, and remain isolated until a negative result is received.
There are more than 300 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW. To find your nearest clinic, visit:
https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/how-to-protect-yourself-and-others/clinics or contact your GP.
NSW Health is treating 114 COVID-19 cases, one of whom is in intensive care and on ECMO. Most (98 per cent) are being treated in non-acute, out-of-hospital care, including returned travellers in the Special Health Accommodation.
Likely source of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW
Overseas | 15 | 52 | 3,091 |
Interstate | 0 | 0 | 90 |
Locally acquired – linked to known case or cluster | 0 | 0 | 1,644 |
Locally acquired – no links to known case or cluster | 0 | 0 | 450 |
Locally acquired – investigation ongoing | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Under initial investigation | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Note: Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.
* notified from 8pm 27 April 2021 to 8pm 28 April 2021
** from 8pm 22 April 2021 to 8pm 28 April 2021
Returned travellers in hotel quarantine to date
Symptomatic travellers tested | 12,423 |
Found positive | 253 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at day 2 | 98,810 |
Found positive | 634 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at day 10 | 79,623 |
Found positive | 182 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at day 12* | 30,700 |
Found positive | 31 |
COVID-19 Vaccination Update
NSW Health – First Doses | 2,690 | 136,272 |
NSW Health – Second Doses | 1,038 | 65,948 |
Total |
3,728 |
202,220 |
*notified from 8pm 27 April 2021 to 8pm 28 April 2021
Note: NSW Health's vaccination clinics generally operate Monday to Friday. Therefore, there may be limited or no vaccines administered on weekend days and public holidays due to planned closures.
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