NSW Health is in the process of contacting more than 20,000 people who have entered NSW recently as it continues to ensure the state is well placed to respond to the developing COVID-19 situation in Brisbane.
More than 20,000 people who entered NSW on flights between 20 and 26 March are being contacted, through SMS and email, to tell them to get tested and isolate if they have visited any venues of concern listed by Queensland Health. People who have visited a venue of concern will be called by NSW Health.
Nine close contacts in NSW have been identified so far. They have been instructed to undergo a COVID-19 test and to self-isolate for 14 days, regardless of the result. These people will receive regular follow-up contact from NSW Health during this time.
Entry declaration forms were introduced yesterday, Saturday 27 March, for people who are entering NSW after spending time in Brisbane City Council or Moreton Bay Regional Council areas since 11 March. A total of 3,822 people filled out mandatory declaration forms on the first day alone. These forms provide critical information to enable NSW Health to contact travellers if required.
The online declaration form, available on the Service NSW website, is for all travellers who have been in Brisbane or Moreton Bay and are intending to enter NSW by air, road and rail. This form includes contact details and confirmation whether people have been to any venues of concern.
Declaration forms can be completed within the 24-hour period prior to entering NSW, or on entry to NSW.
As the situation in Queensland continues to develop, NSW Health once again reminds people entering NSW from Queensland who have been in Brisbane City Council or Moreton Bay Regional Council areas since 11 March 2021 to:
- Remain vigilant for symptoms of COVID-19 and get tested and isolate with even the mildest of symptoms.
- Monitor the Queensland Health website regularly to check if you have attended any of the venues/places listed. If you have, please immediately follow the Queensland Health public health advice and contact NSW Health on 1800 943 553 so we can support you with access to testing.
- Avoid non-essential visits to hospitals and residential aged care facilities and disability residential care services until further notice. Please continue to seek medical care as usual.
- People who have been in the two areas who work in hospitals, residential aged care facilities and disability residential care services should check with their employer, monitor the Queensland Health website for further advice and use masks when at work.
NSW Health urges anyone in NSW with even the mildest symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat or runny nose, to come forward immediately or testing, then isolate until they receive a negative result.
There are more than 350 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW, many of which are open seven days a week. To find your nearest clinic visit COVID-19 clinics or contact your GP.