Thirteen new cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, bringing the total number of cases in NSW to 3,316.
Of today’s new cases, two are returned travellers in hotel quarantine and one is a known close contact of a previous overseas acquired case isolating prior to their infectious period.
Ten cases reported today are associated with the Crossroads Hotel. All live in South Western Sydney. Of these, three attended the venue and seven are close contacts of cases.
Since 3 pm last night an additional 7 case have been reported linked to the hotel cluster, bringing the total number associated with the cluster to 28 and another case is under investigation.
This includes 14 people who attended the hotel and others linked to these cases. These are:
- 40s year old South Western Sydney woman who attended Crossroads hotel on 3 July
- 50s year old Melbourne man who attended Crossroads hotel 3 July
- 30s year old South Western Sydney man who attended Crossroads hotel 3 July
- 20s year old South Western Sydney woman who attended Crossroads hotel 3 July
- South Western Sydney child who is contact of a hotel case
- South Western Sydney teenager who is a contact of a hotel case
- 80s year old South Western Sydney man who is a contact of a hotel case
- 20s year old South Western Sydney man who is under investigation and being interviewed by contact tracing experts.
One of the cases worked at Casula K Mart on 10 July from 5 pm – midnight. People who were at the store at this time are urged to self-isolate for 14 days, watch for symptoms and get tested if they occur. Contact tracing is continuing for staff and patrons and further investigations are underway.
A case visited a relative at Prestons Lodge residential aged care facility during his infectious period. No other cases have been identified however as a precaution the facility is in lockdown. Further investigations and contact tracing is underway.
One of the previously reported cases also attended the Picton Hotel and spent time in the gaming room on 4, 5, 9 and 10 July. All patrons and staff who were at the Picton Hotel on those dates are advised to self-isolate for 14 days since attending the hotel and present for testing.
NSW Health is urging anyone who attended the Crossroads Hotel at Casula between Friday 3 July and Friday 10 July to immediately self-isolate until 14 days after they were last there, attend a clinic for testing even if they have no symptoms, watch for symptoms and get retested should any respiratory symptoms occur. Even if you get a negative test stay in isolation for 14 days.
It is important to note there are a wide range of COVID-19 testing clinics across the State, including in South Western Sydney.
NSW Health has today established another drive-through clinic, at Prestons. The clinic is located at the Ash Road Sporting Complex, and operates from 8am to 6pm.
Anyone feeling unwell – even with the mildest of symptoms such as a runny nose or scratchy throat – is urged to seek testing and self-isolate. Do not go to work or catch public transport until you are cleared of COVID-19.
The full list of COVID-19 testing clinics is available or people can visit their GP.
Confirmed cases (incl. interstate residents in NSW health care facilities) |
3,316 |
Deaths (in NSW from confirmed cases) |
51 |
Cases reported recovered |
2,799 |
Total tests carried out |
1,062,503 |
We are at a critical point in the fight to contain COVID-19. It is absolutely essential the community works together to limit the spread of the virus, by always maintaining good hand hygiene, adhering to physical distancing rules whenever possible and getting tested whenever symptoms occur, however mild.
It’s essential that we all take the risk of transmission very seriously and take steps to protect ourselves and loved ones:
- If you have even mild symptoms, a cold or cough, get tested and stay home until you’re cleared.
- Keep your distance from others at all times even if you are well.
- If you have been in Victoria, don’t mix with other people until two weeks has passed.
People who work in high-risk settings such as health care facilities or aged care homes must not to attend work if they have symptoms and must get tested immediately. People should also not visit relatives in these settings if they have even the mildest of symptoms or have recently returned from Victoria.
A total of 12,332 tests were notified in the 24-hour reporting period, compared with 10,786 tests in the previous 24 hours. There are 89 COVID-19 cases being treated by NSW Health, with one in intensive care. This person does not require a ventilator. In NSW, 2,799 people are known to have recovered from COVID-19.
It is essential people follow directions they receive about home isolation and quarantine and maintain COVID-safe practices of physical distancing of 1.5 metres, cough or sneeze into their elbow, and regularly wash their hands.
Confirmed cases to date
Overseas |
1,976 |
Interstate acquired |
73 |
Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case and/or in a known cluster |
907 |
Locally acquired – contact not identified |
360 |
Under investigation |
0 |
Counts reported for a particular day may vary over time with ongoing enhanced surveillance activities.
Returned travellers in hotel quarantine to date
Symptomatic travellers tested |
3,937 |
Found positive |
115 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at a day 2 |
4,690 |
Found positive |
41 |
Asymptomatic travellers screened at a day 10 |
18,051 |
Found positive |