Bushfire crisis – NSW Health facilities update [afternoon update]

04 January 2020

NSW Health will be providing updated information to the media in relation to facilities impacted by the current bushfire crisis.

The updates will be issued at 9am and 4pm and will provide important information​​ on evacuations or patient transfers.


The NSW Health facilities listed have been or are in the process of being relocated:

Tumbarumb​a Multi-Purpose ServiceTumbarumbaRelocated
Batlow HospitalBatlowRelocated
Pambula HospitalPambula​Relocated
Delegate Multi-Purpose ServiceDelegateRelocated
​Tumut District Hospital​TumutRelocated​

Please note: NSW Health cannot provide information on privately run hospitals or aged-care facilities. No personal patient information will be provided to media, however the nominated nextof-kin of re-located patients will be updated by the relevant local health district.
