Forecast heatwave conditions in the lead up to New Year has NSW Health again reminding people to take action to avoid heat-related illness.
NSW Health Director of Environmental Health, Dr Richard Broome, said people should take extra precautions as temperatures are expected to climb into the 40s across much of the state in the next few days.
“Staying indoors during the heat of the day to keep cool, minimising physical activity and staying well hydrated are important ways to reduce the risk of heat-related illness,” said Dr Broome.
“Heat puts a lot of strain on the body and can cause dehydration, heat stress and heat stroke. It can also make underlying conditions worse. People over the age of 75, people with chronic conditions and those who live alone are most vulnerable.
“Signs of heat related illness include dizziness, tiredness, irritability, thirst, fainting, muscle pains or cramps, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, vomiting and confusion.”
Simple precautions can reduce the risk of heat-related illness:
- avoid the heat of the day by staying indoors and keeping cool by using air-conditioning, fans and drawing blinds and curtains closed
- keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water
- check on the welfare of vulnerable neighbours, friends and family
- plan ahead for hot days.
“It’s important to get to a cool place quickly if symptoms occur. People showing severe signs of heat-related illness should seek urgent medical attention, in an emergency situation call Triple Zero (000),” Dr Broome said.
More information can be found at Beat the heat.