Access useful resources about net zero anaesthetics:
The Amount of CO2e/kg Produced per Day per Anaesthetist vs. a UK Citizen
Greener NHS operating theatre system progress case study
Trainee-Led Research and Audit in Anaesthesia for Sustainable Healthcare (TRA2SH).
Reusable vs. Disposable Devices in Medicine: Infection Control or Planetary Health Dr. Jodi Sherman, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Epidemiology in Environmental Health Sciences and Director, Program on Healthcare Environmental Sustainability (PHES) at Yale University, explores misguided notions about single-use disposable medical devices, which have resulted in increased health care expenditures, waste, pollution, and associated health damages.
ANZCA Bulletin Autumn 2023. Read the feature from Dr Anthony Hull, Anaesthetics Net Zero Lead, South Western Sydney Local Health District. p.60-63.
Hospital gas emissions slashed at Women and Children's Hospital, NHS Trust. 2023.Read the news case study from the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
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