The NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 (the Act) was assented to in May 2010. The Act provides clear legislative recognition of carers and places obligations on all NSW public sector agencies in relation to carers.
The Act requires that:
- members of staff and agents, including NSW Health staff and agents, understand the NSW Carers Charter and reflect the principles of the Charter in policy and service delivery;
- agency staff, including NSW Health staff, consult with carers on significant policy issues that impact on carers; and
- human resource policy considers and cater to the needs of agency staff, including NSW Health staff, who are carers.
The Ministry of Health is leading the process of implementing the Act across NSW Health. As a human service agency NSW Health will report on compliance with the Act in the NSW Health Annual Report. More information regarding the Ministry of Health’s implementation can be found on Support for Carers in NSW.
The NSW Carers Charter provides thirteen principles to guide interactions with carers. The Charter is at Schedule 1 of the Act.
The Act established the NSW Carers Advisory Council to promote the interests of carers and to provide advice to the NSW Government on legislation, policy, and other matters that have a significant impact on carers. The Carers Advisory Council comprises eleven members with current or previous experience of being a carer and is chaired by the Minister for Disability Services and Minister for Ageing. NSW Health is represented on the NSW Carers Advisory Council by the Director, Inter-Government and Funding Strategies and Integrated Care Branch.