If you are looking for a health service or practitioner in your local area, you can access healthdirect's online service finder.
If someone has attempted or is at immediate risk of attempting suicide to harm themselves or someone else, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
If you are looking for crisis support or short-term counselling, there are crisis lines available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are looking for mental health care and treatment from a NSW Health mental health service, you can call the NSW Health Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.
For information on the proposed resignation of public health psychiatrists visit Expected disruption to NSW public mental health services.
This page provides information and contact details for a range of mental health services and supports depending on your need.
Choose ''What do you need support for' from the drop-down menu and select 'Clear filter' to restart your search.
aspect (autism spectrum AUSTRALIA)
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT)
Blue Knot Foundation
Butterfly Foundation
Butterfly Foundation - Every Body is Deadly
Carers NSW Australia
Dementia Support Australia
Elder abuse phone line
Emerging Minds
Friend Line
Gidget Foundation Australia
Karitane's mental health service
Kids Helpline
Life in Mind
MensLine Australia
Mental Health Line
My Aged Care
National Dementia Helpline
No to Violence
NSW Refugee Health Service
Older Persons Advocacy Network
Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling
Opioid Treatment Line
Parent Line NSW
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia
Rainbow Families
Raphael Services
Transcultural Mental Health Centre
Tresillian Family Care Centres
Youth Aftercare is a support service for children, teens and young people aged 25 and under, after suicidal ideation, self-harm and/or a suicide attempt.
Youth Beyond Blue