What's happening?
Following the ‘Review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW
Health facilities’, we will implement the following recommendations.
NSW Health is providing 80 scholarships for the Certificate IV in Peer Work across the 2017-18 and 2018-19
financial years.
8. NSW Health should develop and
implement minimum standards and skill
requirements for all staff working in
mental health |
Finalise and implement the NSW Strategic Framework for Mental Health and
Workforce Plan 2018-2022
Deliver training for mental health staff that is culturally appropriate,
recovery-oriented and trauma-informed
Provide ongoing clinical supervision to all mental health staff to ensure
learning is transferred to practice |
9. NSW Health should ensure that
recruitment and performance review
processes include appraisal of values and
attitudes of all staff working with people
with a mental illness |
Incorporate NSW Health CORE values into recruitment and performance
Use performance appraisals to support staff to deliver care that is culturally
sensitive, recovery-oriented and trauma-informed. |
10. The peer workforce should be developed
and professionalised, with the same
supports and accountabilities as other
disciplines. The number of positions
should be increased, however only after
the supports and accountabilities are in
place |
Develop a NSW Peer Workforce Framework to guide development and
support the professionalisation of the peer workforce
Recruit and train new peer worker roles under the Mental Health Reform |
How can I be involved?
Every local health district and specialty health network will invite patients, carers and their families to be
included in designing their prevention action plans. To find out more, contact your local health district.
Mental health workforce skills and values
The Review of seclusion, restraint and observation of consumers with a mental illness in NSW Health facilities
emphasised the need for a capable and caring workforce to address the use of seclusion and restraint. A
skilled workforce is key to delivering recovery-oriented, trauma-informed care in partnership with consumers,
carers and families.
Strengthening shared values for staff working in mental health services and emergency departments will
improve the care experience for consumers, carers and families. The review team found examples where
services had checked values in staff recruitment and performance reviews to support high-quality, safe and
compassionate care.
What are CORE values?
NSW Health promotes a set of values to inspire positive interactions in the workplace. Recruiting to the CORE
values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment helps work towards the elimination of
seclusion and restraint. These values are supported by a diverse workforce that includes people with lived
experience of mental health problems.
The NSW Strategic Framework for Mental Health and Workforce Plan
2018 - 2022 will guide workforce development over the next five
Development of a Mental Health Workforce Plan was a recommendation of Living Well, A Strategic Plan for
Mental Health in NSW 2014-2024. The NSW mental health workforce plan is being finalised. This will include
professional support for staff to deliver culturally appropriate, trauma-informed and recovery-oriented care.