Assessment and Management of Behaviours and Psychological Symptoms associated with Dementia (BPSD)


This handbook reflects the most up-to-date research and strategies related to the treatment and management of behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia (BPSD). It is intended to be a practical reference for NSW Health staff providing services for people with dementia and those who experience BPSD.

While people with dementia and BPSD will receive services in many settings and may be transferred between settings, this handbook specifically addresses emergency departments, inpatient units and community settings.

This handbook may be used in a variety of ways to support local policies and procedures. For less experienced staff it outlines key concepts and provides practical resources. More experienced staff may use it as a refresher or teaching resource, and multidisciplinary teams as a common reference point to assist in coordinated care.

Summary Handbook

The Assessment and Management of Behaviours and Psychological Symptoms associated with Dementia (BPSD) - Summary Handbook is a quick reference document for NSW Health staff working in settings where they provide services for people with dementia and those who experience behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia (BPSD).

File Size: 1457 kb
Type: Booklet
Date of Publication: 01 December 2022
Author: Mental Health
ISBN: 978-1-76023-279-5
SHPN: 220656