At a glance
“An eating disorder is … characterised by eating, exercise and body weight or shape becoming an unhealthy preoccupation of someone’s life. Eating disorders are not a lifestyle choice, a diet gone wrong or a cry for attention. Eating disorders can take many different forms and interfere with a person’s day to day life.” (Eating Disorders Victoria)
People who are diagnosed with an eating disorder may spend a lot of time thinking about food. They may feel very anxious around mealtime and not want to eat around other people. They may worry a lot about their appearance and are afraid of putting on weight. They may feel the need to do large amounts of exercise.
Often, people who are diagnosed with an eating disorder experience low self-esteem, anxiety and sadness, and may:
eat very small amounts of food. These people may be diagnosed with anorexia nervosa
find it difficult to control the amount of food that they eat. They may eat large quantities of food and save supplies of food to eat later. After eating, they may take laxatives or vomit to prevent weight gain. These people may be diagnosed with bulimia nervosa.
Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders
Inside Out is dedicated to improving the lives of people with eating disorders and those who care for them. The site includes information and fact sheets about eating disorders, myths and misconceptions, blogs and podcasts.
About Eating Disorders
This web page provides an overview of eating disorders, with information and facts sheets about the types of eating disorders.
Type: Web page, with fact sheets
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Produced by: Inside Out
Eating disorders
This fact sheet provides an overview of the illness, the causes, symptoms and treatment options.
Type: Fact sheets
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Produced by: SANE Australia
Eating disorders in Australia (Translated Fact Sheets)
This fact sheet provides information about eating disorders, including what is an eating disorder, causes, signs and symptoms, recovery and where to get help. This factsheet is available in a number of translated languages.
Type: Fact sheet
Length: 7 pages
Produced by: National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Translations: Yes
Liam's Journey with Anorexia Nervosa
In this video Liam talks about his journey with anorexia nervosa.
Type: Video
Viewing time: 3.28 minutes
Produced by: Inside Out
Jenni's Journey with Bulimia Nervosa
In this video Jenni talks about her journey with bulimia nervosa.
Type: Video
Viewing time: 3.48 minutes
Produced by: Inside Out