At a glance
A person who has a diagnosis of depression experiences overwhelming sadness. This sadness is usually deeper or lasts longer than can be explained by events in their life.
People who are diagnosed with depression may find it difficult to sleep, feel tired and be more easily annoyed. They can stop enjoying things that they used to enjoy and struggle to motivate themselves to do the things that they need to do. They may stop wanting to be around other people and keep to themselves. Some people find these experiences overwhelming, lose hope and think about ending their life.
Workers need to be encouraged to ask the person questions about their experiences and needs.
- A person with lived experience of a mental health condition
Beyond Blue
This website provides information and support for depression, to help people “achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live”.
Depression – the facts
This web page explains what depression is, signs and symptoms, causes, the different types, management strategies and has stories from people who have experienced depression.
Type: Web page / Video
Reading/viewing time: 10 minutes
Produced by: Beyond Blue
Depression - Information for residents, families and carers
This fact sheet includes signs of depression, causes, and ways to manage depression.
Type: Fact sheet
Length: 2 pages
Produced by: Health Translations
Translations: Yes
Depression explained
Includes a video where people share their experience of living with depression.
Type: Video | Closed captions
Reading/viewing time: 4.33 minutes
Produced by: Better Health
Depression: Personal stories
These personal stories provide a first-hand look at the challenges and triumphs associated with managing and recovering from depression and anxiety.
Type: Articles
Reading/viewing time: Various
Produced by: Beyond Blue